This Week at St. Paul's

Sunday Worship:

Gluten free wafers are available

Everyone Welcome!

Please, if you are not feeling well on Sunday morning, stay home; respect our social distancing efforts and; sanitize frequently.

June 30, 6th Sunday after Pentecost

Bulletin for June 30


Order of Service for June 30

This Week at St. Paul's

June 28, Friday

June 30, 6th Sunday after Pentecost

July 1, Canada Day

July 5, Friday

July 7, 7th Sunday after Pentecost

As the Parish Wardens reminds us:

There are challenges that we all face with the rising cost of living which affect the parish as well. Your generosity helps us meet our Vision and Mission as a parish. We decided to resume passing the offering plate last Sunday. We continue to provide many ways for people to make offerings to the Parish, and will explore other ways.

“We appreciate the dedication that members of the parish have made with their financial contributions, as well as offering time and talent in various ways to enhance the life of the parish and our commitment to showing God’s call to love and justice.”


You can make offering to the Parish in a variety of ways:

Mail to our Parish office:

or drop off through the mail slot

St. Paul’s Anglican Church

101 Prince Street

Charlottetown, PE

C1A 4R5

Pre-Authorized Remittance


Should you have any questions, please contact any of the following:


The Wardens:

Jennifer Fernandes

Doug Meek


Joel Ives (


FundScrip is a great way to support St. Paul’s Church.  FundScrip is offering free direct shipping on individual orders between $200 and $500, with a maximum of 4 cards.  This option can be used for online orders and, of course, e-cards and reloadable cards are always available for retailers offering those options. It is important to remember that using FundScrip cards to purchase items you would be buying anyway means no added costs to you and a great benefit to St. Paul’s Church.  If you have any questions, please contact Anne McLeod by phone (902-659-2287),

e-mail (,

or in person.

Prayer for People we Know

Parish Update

Pride Parade

The Pride Parade is just around the corner (July 20). We would love to have a big group from St. Paul’s to show the transforming love and justice of God in action. This year’s concept is a float demonstrating an inclusive wedding with supportive (and colourful) wedding guests. If we cannot find a float in time, it will be a walking wedding party. There are many ways to participate:

And, most importantly, we would love to see lots of people watching the parade and cheering from the sidelines. For more information, ask Amanda or call her at the office. 902-892-1691


Special Celebration

250th Anniversary Celebrations - 

...of the arrival of the English ships in summer, 1774 bringing emigrants who initially settled in and around New London, some of whom eventually established the Parish of New London:

Sunday, June 30th, St Thomas Church, Hall and Grounds

(5559- Rte. 20, Springbrook)

11:00 am: Worship Service: Led by the Right Reverend Sandra Fyfe, followed by lunch hosted and provided by the Parish.

1:30 pm - 4:30 pm, Community Activities: Period displays, Games for children, light refreshments and Historical Talks and Q and A's, breaks in between:

2:00 pm: Early Anglicanism on the Island of St. John’s (Thomas Haslam)
2:45 pm: The New London Settlement (John Cousins)
3:25 pm: The social and economic context of settlement (Dr. Edward MacDonald OC)

4:05 pm: The legacy of the arrival (Dennis Cole LLM and Rev’d Shirley)


All are welcome to attend all

or any of the day's events!

Helping Hands 

PDF of form

Word Doc of form

Stories in Stitches


Chorale Saint-Jean 

... from the University of Alberta's Campus Saint-Jean, the largest francophone choir in Western Canada, is coming to PEI.

      The choir will perform a rich and varied repertoire, including several pieces composed especially for this tour. At the heart of its repertoire: Elles s'appelaient Marie: Grande suite pour chœur, written for the choir by France Levasseur-Ouimet. This multimedia show in 16 tableaux evokes the joys and sorrows of a young girl, Marie, who left the East to settle in the West at the beginning of the 20th century.

Rich in emotion, the magnificent songs, narrations and sketches in this work never fail to evoke in the audience feelings of belonging to their roots or of nostalgia for the departures and farewells experienced in the course of their lives.

Friday, July 5th, Charlottetown, St-Paul’s Anglican Church, 7:30 p.m. So come and experience this enchanting ensemble, described by the National Film Board as ‘le chœur d’une culture’ (the choir/heart of a culture). 


Coffee Time is improved with COOKIES


Transitions & Celebrations

SPY – St. Paul’s Youth -

Outside the Offering Envelope

Our Time and Talent matter too!

Volunteers! - 

How do people start attending Church?


Educational Resources

Your Parish - Looking Forward

Finance: The Treasurer heads this committee, and the committee obviously deals with financial issues as they arise, not to mention budgeting and investments. A sustainability report was written last year and it will be given some fuller consideration this year.


Parish Life: This committee looks after everything else (Belonging, Children/Youth/Families, and Worship). We want to find out what families are looking for and expecting from the Parish. We will put an effort into developing programing for people in search of a spiritual dimension for their lives. We will look at succession planning: making sure we have people in place to do everything, from live streaming to presiding (CAPP).


Outreach & Social Justice: The focus has been addressing the core issues that lead to poverty.  A motion was carried at April’s meeting of Parish Council: “the Parish Council supports the efforts of the Outreach and Social Justice Committee and by extension the Parish to encourage government leaders and others to implement the Basic Income Guarantee policy.”


Property: Our facility (church, hall, rectory) is very old, so unplanned things naturally cropped up. It would be good for this committee to meet and evaluate the situation and make a multiyear plan for maintenance, repair and improvements. This kind of planning makes it much easier to budget.


If you are interested, you are welcome to join a committee. Please contact the Parish Office.

Community Events & Notice Board 

Meals on Wheels

Charlottetown Meals on Wheels is looking for drivers to deliver meals in Charlottetown or Stratford area at noon one day a week or one day every 2nd week. If you are interested email or phone 902-569-3802 or 902-368-7337.  Thank you.

Parish Office 


Tuesday - Friday from 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

 appointments can be made by calling: 


Don't Miss Out! 

If you’ve moved, or dropped your land-line, or have a new email address, PLEASE let you Church know! Call or email the parish office and update your contact information.

Wooden Box Collection 

You are welcome to bring items to the Church on Sundays and these will be delivered to the Food Bank regularly.