Welcome to the Unitarian Universalist Church of Stillwater

We invite you to look around and get a feel for our church. We are a Welcoming Congregation. You will not be pressured into conversation or membership. We welcome you just as you are. Our members, friends, and guests include Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Pagans, humanists, atheists, agnostics, skeptics, seekers, singles, couples, families, heterosexuals, gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgendered people, of different races, ethnic backgrounds, national origins and socio-economic circumstances.

If you're not currently a member of our church - we'd like to take this opportunity to invite you to one of our weekly services and/or covenant groups.

President’s Message - February 2025

Well, it is really 2025. The newness of the year is beginning to wear off, January was such a full month. We had our first themed food at social time after the service on Sunday January 5th, two Book Club meetings, a successful Games Night, and a wonderful Chili Cookoff with 9 pots of chili and 35 judges thanks to the Events and Fundraising Committee. The Social Action Group helped us make our mark in the Stillwater community by prominently supporting the Martin Luther King Day event at the Community Center and beginning shopper assistance at Our Daily Bread on the first Monday of every month. A Religious /Spiritual Education Group (RE/SE), derived from last fall’s Retreat, started a series of RE/SE forums and programs beginning with Drumming at Forum the second Sunday of February. The RE/SE group has rotating leadership; currently Shiitake Mama. The Membership Committee is starting two New Member Education Programs, and Rebecca Brennan announced the theme for Food at Social time Sunday February 1st will be Love.  Finally, we have three new members, Hilary Howarth and Susan Danielewicz, UUs from the Oak Creek Community and Casey Ihde. Be sure to welcome them, and check out the UU Calendar for these and more activities,

Mike Smolen

Sunday Service 

Sunday services begin at 10:30 and generally conclude before noon. Services are followed by socializing and a smorgasbord of different foods, arranged with minimal planning. If you prefer to watch the service online, we share it by Facebook Live at  https://www.facebook.com/uuchstillwater . From Facebook, you will not be able to see the Trail Markers portion of the service or interact with others, but everything else is the same.

Announcements & Events

Information about upcoming special events can be found under the "What's Happening" section. See Upcoming Events

January 30, 2025

New to Unitarian Universalism? Have questions? 

Rev. Mark Christian and Susan Bullard will be doing two evening sessions on “New to UU” which will cover information about our church and our denomination.  The session will be held on Thursdays, January 30 and February 6 from 7 to 8:30 pm in the forum room. Open to all:  you don’t have to be new here to attend.  

February 6, 2025

New to Unitarian Universalism? Have questions? 

Rev. Mark Christian and Susan Bullard will be doing two evening sessions on “New to UU” which will cover information about our church and our denomination.  The sessions will be held on 7 to 8:30 pm in the forum room. Open to all:  you don’t have to be new here to attend.  

Upcoming Covenant Groups

Information about each of our covenant groups can be found in "Our Gatherings" section.

Pastoral Care

Struggling? Need help? Or maybe you know someone who does? No question about it--it's a difficult time right now. Our Care Committee and Rev. Susan Ross, our Pastoral Care Minister, are still available to help you with whatever difficulties you're facing. We're only a phone call away! And if you are having trouble attending the Zoom services or Zoom meetings, we can try to help you get connected. Please contact us: Rev. Susan Ross: or 405-714-0064 or Susan Bullard (co-chair with Mia Owens): or 405-742-6529.

There are times when people aren’t sure if it is appropriate to contact the Pastoral Minister, or they are concerned that they may be interrupting something. Please know that the needs and concerns of the members and friends of this congregation are important to me. That is what the Pastoral Care Minister’s work is all about! The following is a list of occasions when it might be appropriate to contact me:

1) When you don’t know her but would like to.

2) When you have problems you’d like to discuss, job, children, marriage or anything else where a sympathetic ear might be of help.

3) When you are going into the hospital, or when someone close to you is going in, or when you know of someone else in the church going in.

4) When someone close to you has died or is critically ill.

5) When you are planning on getting married.

6) When you would like to have your child or children dedicated.

7) When you would like to know more about Unitarian Universalism.

8) When you are considering joining the church.

9) When you would like to help in committee work or join a covenant group.

10) When it is the middle of the night, and you are in some sort of trouble and you don’t know who else to call.”

Some of these are a little different for me (like numbers 7 & 8), since my background and training is United Methodist rather than UU. But I know who to ask about those, or who to refer you to! And, of course, the COVID-19 pandemic has affected how I am able to respond to the other concerns. I do, however, still want to respond: we could talk on the phone, Facetime, communicate by email, or do a Zoom talk. And there are needs that will no doubt come up at this time that aren't on this list: when you are needing a break from only talking to yourself or your pets, or a break from talking to your family; when you are struggling with fears or doubts about the situation we are in, when you need help with something, when you know of needs that the Pastor's Emergency Fund might help meet.

Also, if you are interested in trying to be a part of, or at least listen to, the services we are now trying to make happen on Sunday mornings, and can't figure out how to do that, let me know and I will do my best to help. You can be a part of that service, or listen to it, by phone (audio only), by smart phone with audio and visual, by computer, and by tablet. And I think we are trying to have a recorded version of it available afterwards as well.

OUr Church home

Unitarian Universalist Church

320 S. Stallard Street, 

Stillwater, OK  74074

Phone:  405-372-0620



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