What's Happening
President’s Message for September 2024
September is the month for Church Committees. Last Sunday, August 25th, we heard from Scott Frazier, Chair of the Building and Grounds Committee, at the beginning of the Sunday Service. Scott reported on the freshly sealed and painted parking lot and other items, many of which may go unnoticed like Lin Feazle’s contribution of weekly cleaning and Ray Barnard’s contribution of lawn maintenance. He also noted the turnout for a Work Day last spring when people helped with deep cleaning, painting, and other chores that were sorely needed. In the future the B&G Committee plans to purchase and install an Assisted Listening System for those who have trouble hearing the sermon, make other improvements to the audio visual system, and attend to general maintenance.
For the next few weeks we’ll have a ”Meet the Church Minute” in place of the Social Action Minute, at the beginning of the service. We’ll hear from the Caring Committee, the Sunday Service Committee, the Membership Committee, the Hospitality Committee and others. Please take these opportunities to put your name on the list to join or help these committees.
For more information on what is happening, check the Church website at Stillwater-UU.org. and the Church Calendar.
Finally, please mark your calendar for the Congregational Retreat October 26, 2024. You’ll hear more about that next month.
Mike Smolen
Results of Congregation Survey - May 2024