What To Expect At Our Service
Sunday services are held at 10:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary
You are Welcome!
We are a Welcoming Congregation. You will not be pressured into conversation or membership. We welcome you just as you are. Our members, friends and guests include Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Pagans, humanists, atheists, agnostics, skeptics, seekers, singles, couples, families, heterosexuals, gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgendered people, of different races, ethnic backgrounds, national origins and socio-economic circumstances.
The Service
The service begins with a welcoming message and announcements by a member of the congregation. Visitors may be invited to stand and introduce themselves, but should not feel obligated to do so.
The service generally continues with…
Prelude (a musical piece to being the service)
Lighting of the Chalice
Story for All Ages
Singing Children to their class
Opening Hymn
Meditation and/or Responsive Reading
Offering Collection (many times the offering is donated to a local charity, or alternatively may be earmarked for certain maintenance projects around the church)
Offertory Music
Trailmarkers - sharing of joys and concerns by those who feel moved to speak (This portion is not presented live on our facebook page or recorded).
Closing Hymn
On occasion, services may include...
An Affirmation by a member,
A joining ceremony for new members,
A presentation of new church officers,
A dedication ceremony for babies or children,
A celebration of a particular religious tradition,
A guest speaker or minister, and/or
A special musical or dramatic presentation.
Services may be quite varied, and we invite visitors to attend a few services to gain a fuller impression of the rich diversity of our faith community.
The children join the adults in the sanctuary for the beginning of the service, and are invited to sit on the front two rows (they may also stay with their parents if they wish). After the Lighting of the Chalice and a Story For All Ages, the congregation sings “Go Now In Peace,” as the children are led to their classrooms by Education Leaders.
Visitors are always welcome to have their children remain with them in the sanctuary during the entire service. Child care for children under the age of 3 is provided--after the story--in the nursery downstairs.
The church, at 320 South Stallard Street, has a 4-space parking lot on the south side of the building at street level. Front access to the building is through the upper, south door near the sculpture. We also have a 30-space parking lot on a lower level, reached by a driveway on the north side of the building. Access through the lower door leads to the children’s classrooms and by way of stairs to the upper, sanctuary level. If these two lots are full, you may park on the church (west) side of Stallard Street or in the school lot to the north of the church building.
Handicap Parking
There are two (2) handicap parking spaces in the south-side, street-level parking lot and one (1) handicap space in the larger north-side, lower-level parking lot. If these spaces are full when you arrive, you may park on the circle drive in front of the church and enter through the upper, south door near the sculpture.
Where is the sanctuary?
The sanctuary is just inside the south door near the sculpture. In the church you will be welcomed by a Greeter near the sanctuary door who will invite you to fill out a name tag and enter your name in our visitors’ book, where you can indicate if you would like to be added to the email distribution list.
Our Greeters can answer questions regarding the service, religious education, child care, building amenities and church activities, and can provide you with brochures and information regarding Unitarian-Universalism.
You will be given a hymnal and an Order of Service describing that day's Sunday service. Enter the sanctuary and find a seat wherever you feel comfortable.
Social Hour
After the service (usually about 11:30 a.m.) you are invited for refreshments and conversation in our Social Room, located across the hall from the Sanctuary.
Visitors will have this opportunity to meet church members and other visitors. We make a special effort to greet and get to know you, to share impressions and experiences, and to welcome you to a church that supports each person’s unique spiritual journey.
You should feel welcome to ask any questions and to obtain additional information regarding our church. The social hour usually winds down by 12:30 p.m.
What to Wear
Most of our members dress casually but neatly, and others prefer to dress up. You may wear whatever seems comfortable for you.