
Journal articles

2022 "Income tax progressivity and inflation during the World Wars", European Review of Economic History 26 (3), pp. 311-39. With Oriol Sabaté. [Open access]

2022 “Resource abundance and public finances in five peripheral economies, 1850-1939”. With J. Peres-Cajías and C. Ducoing. Resources Policy 76, June, 102539. [Open access]

2020 "Inequality in tax evasion: the case of the Spanish income tax", Applied Economic Analysis 28 (83), pp. 89-109. [Open access]

2019 "The prevalence of publicly stimulated innovations - a comparison of Finland and Sweden, 1970-2013", Research Policy 48 (6), pp. 1373-1384. With A. Pelkonen, J. Oksanen, and A. Kander. [Open access]

2018 "Natural Resources Curse in the long run? Bolivia, Chile and Peru in the Nordic countries' mirror'', Sustainability 10 (4), 965. With C. Ducoing, J. Peres-Cajías, M. Badia-Miró, A. Bergquist, C. Contreras, and K. Ranestad. [Open access]

2016 "Sistema fiscal y redistribución: la transición fiscal española (1960-1990)", Perfiles Económicos 1 (1), pp.149-180. [Thesis summary]

2016 “Sticky income inequality in the Spanish transition, 1973-1990”, Revista de Historia Económica - Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History 34 (1), pp. 39-80. Author's version here.

2015 “Did Democracy bring Redistribution? Insights from the Spanish tax system (1960-1990)”, European Review of Economic History 19 (3), pp. 294-315. Author's version here.


2021 The Spanish Fiscal Transition: tax reform and inequality in the late twentieth century. Palgrave Studies in Economic History. Reviewed by Clara Martínez-Toledano for Nada es Gratis (HERE), by Sergio Espuelas in Investigaciones de Historia Económica / Economic History Research (HERE), and by Xabier García-Fuente for Economic History Review (HERE).


2015 "Tax system and Redistribution: the Spanish Fiscal Transition (1960-1990)", Department of Economic History and Institutions, University of Barcelona. Available at the Digital Thesis Repository.

Book chapters

2024 "¿Una fiscalidad para limitar las desigualdades?", in J. Carbonell, J. Soria end B. León (eds.), La desigualdad en España, Lengua de Trapo and Círculo de Bellas Artes, pp. 75-88. Here is the book. 

2022 "El fraude fiscal genera desigualdad. Naturaleza y efectos sobre la desigualdad del fraude en el IRPF", in L. Ayala (coord.), Desigualdad y pacto social, Observatorio Social La Caixa, pp. 132-148. Here is the book. 

2022 "La reforma fiscal de 1977-1986 y sus restricciones económicas", in J. De la Torre and M. Rubio-Varas (eds), Economía en Transición. Del tardofranquismo a la democracia, Marcial Pons Historia, pp. 149-181. Here is the book. 

2021 "The "fiscal contract" in Andean and Nordic countries", in C. Ducoing and J. Peres-Cajías (eds), Natural Resources and Divergence. A comparison of Andean and Nordic trajectories, Palgrave Studies in Economic History, pp. 113-141. With J. Peres-Cajías and C. Ducoing. Here is the book. 

2018 "Limits to redistribution in late democratic transitions: the case of Spain", in E. Brownlee, E. Ide and G. Hürlimann, Worlds of Taxation. The Political Economy of Taxing, Spending, and Redistribution since 1945, Palgrave History of Finance, pp. 321-347. Here is the book. Author's version here.

2016 “La Historia Económica en los planes de estudio europeos”, in M.A. Bringas, E. Catalán, C. Trueba, and L. Remuzgo (eds.): Nuevas perspectivas en la investigación docente de la historia económica, Editorial Universidad de Cantabria, Santander.

2015 “Progresividad y redistribución en el sistema fiscal español (1960-1990)”, in Garrués-Irurzun, J. and Rubio Mondéjar, J.A. (coords.): Haciendo Historia Económica: nuevas investigaciones, nuevos investigadores, Editorial Universidad de Granada, pp. 71-81.


2019   Review of "The political economy of public finance. Taxation, state spending and debt since the 1970s", eds. Marc Buggeln, Martin Daunton, and Alexander Nützenadel, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017. In The Economic History Review 72 (2), pp. 796-798.

2019   Review of "Natural Resources and Economic Growth. Learning from History", eds. Marc Badia-Miró, Vicente Pinilla and Henry Willebald, Routledge, 2015. In Historia Agraria 77, p. 213.

2017    Invited editor of "Economic history of Europe: new approaches, new topics", special issue in Investigaciones de Historia Económica / Economic History Research 13 (3), 2017 (together with Miguel Artola). It can be found here.

2016    Invited editor of "Inequality: measurement and policies", IEB Report 2016/4. With contributions from G. Vecchi, A. Peichl and J. Fernández-Albertos. Available at the IEB publications site.