
Future Policy Lab

An inter-disciplinary think tank led by junior scholars, where I am a Senior Fellow. We care about public policies and inequality, and focus on Spain (in Spanish).

Investigaciones de Historia Económica / Economic History Research

Journal of the Spanish Economic History Association, where I am Co-Editor. HERE is a video presenting the journal, produced by the RHEI (Red de Historia Económica Iberoamericana) (in Spanish).

La Facultad Invisible

An association by Spanish graduates aiming to improve our University system.

Universidad, sí

A blog for public discussion about the university system, where I have collaborated (in Spanish).

De qué vais los economistas

A blog on Economics and Economic History (in Spanish).

Department of Economic History, Lund University

My work place for several years, where I am still affiliated.

Plataforma per una Fiscalitat Justa, Ambiental i Solidària

Civil society organization promoting fair and green taxation (in Catalan).

Observatorio sobre el reparto de los impuestos entre los hogares españoles

In 2016, Fedea (Fundación de Estudios de Economía Aplicada) launched this observatory about the distribution of the tax burden across Spanish households. The exercise is very similar to that undertaken in my thesis for earlier years.

GLOCREd - Globalization, Growth and Inequality

Research network funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. Aims to promote research and knowledge transfer worldwide on Globalization, Growth, and Inequality since the nineteenth century.