In the media

Podcast appearances

Efecto Fresnel

Podcast by Miguel Laborda and Enrique Jorge. Episode 3, "¿Tienen éxito las transiciones fiscales?". [in Spanish] [28/1/2022]

Todo comenzó ayer

Podcast of the Spanish Economic History Association. Episode 19, "La transición fiscal española". [in Spanish] [15/12/2021]

Written by me

War inflation as an agent of income tax modernization

Entry in Positive check, the blog of the European Historical Economics Society, about the paper "Income tax progressivity and inflation during the world wars " (written together with Oriol Sabaté). [26/8/2021]

Fraude y desigualdad en el impuesto sobre la renta español

Blog entry in Nada es Gratis, about my paper "Inequality in tax evasion: the case of the Spanish income tax " (in Spanish). [18/6/2020]

Also featured (similar version) in the blog of the Asociación Libre de Economía, here (also in Spanish). [12/9/2020]

Formación del profesorado y #CienciaenelParlamento

Blog entry in Universidad, Sí, about the need for pedagogical training for university teachers (in Spanish). [17/12/2019]

The state’s crucial role in stimulating innovation in Finland and Sweden

Published in Forskningspolitikk 4/2019, 26-27. Together with Antti Pelkonen, Juha Oksanen, and Astrid Kander. [9/12/2019]

How wartime inflation affected progressivity and redistribution

Commentary in the debate on "The Economics of World War II: Eighty Years on" in Written together with Oriol Sabaté, summarizing our paper "Income tax progressivity and war inflation during the two World Wars". [28/11/2019]

Sobre la burocracia en el acceso a la carrera académica

Blog entry in Universidad, Sí, about the excessive paperwork in academic recruitment processes (in Spanish). [21/06/2019]

La contratación académica: ¿un proceso de cara a la galería?

Blog entry in Universidad, Sí, about the lack of transparency in academic recruitment in Spain and Sweden (in Spanish). [28/11/2018]

Lo que le cuesta un máster a la gente normal

Blog entry in Universidad, Sí, about the costs of a master's degree in Spanish universities (in Spanish). [30/4/2018]

Quiénes se van de Erasmus, y por qué importa

Blog entry in Universidad, Sí: reflections on the distributive impact of the Erasmus programme (in Spanish). [19/12/2017]

Becas universitarias: cuánto pagamos, cuánto queremos pagar

Blog entry in Universidad, Sí, about scholarships for higher education in Spain (in Spanish). [30/5/2017]

Transición a la democracia y desigualdad pegajosa

Blog entry in Nada es Gratis, about my paper "Sticky income inequality in the Spanish transition" (in Spanish). [16/2/2017]

How the better off escape taxes

Press release from the Economic History Society 2015 Conference, about my paper "Bypassing progressive taxation: fraud and base-erosion in the Spanish income tax, 1970-2001". [25/3/2015]

Democracia y redistribución

Dissemination article in the Spanish economics periodical Alternativas Económicas, about my article "Did democracy bring redistribution? Insights from the Spanish tax system, 1960-1990". [December 2014]

Written by others

A mayor renta, mayor fraude fiscal… y más desigualdad

Article in El Plural written by Pachi Lanzas, for which I was interviewed on the results of my study about income tax evasion, "El fraude fiscal genera desigualdad...". [in Spanish] [29/05/2023]

La evasión de impuestos desborda las capacidades de Hacienda: el fraude fiscal tiene todos los visos de persistir

Article in Confilegal written by Virgilio González, based on the results of my study about income tax evasion, "El fraude fiscal genera desigualdad...". [in Spanish] [07/10/2022]

El sistema fiscal español reduce menos la desigualdad que el del resto de la UE

Article in La Vanguardia written by Eduardo Magallón about the redistributive capacity of the Spanish fiscal system, based on some chapters of the study "Desigualdad y pacto social", including mine about income tax evasion, "El fraude fiscal genera desigualdad...". [in Spanish] [22/08/2022]

Recomendación de Lectura: La Transición Fiscal en España

Review of my book "The Spanish fiscal transition..." by Clara Martínez-Toledano, in Nada es Gratis. [in Spanish] [18/11/2021]

La transició pendent

Blog entry from Ricard Bellera commenting on my work about the Spanish fiscal transition. [6/7/2021]

España les da el Premio Nacional Fin de Carrera y el extranjero los ficha

Article from Daniel Sánchez Caballero in about young outstanding students finding work abroad. [15/1/2016]

Más ricos y menos iguales

Article from Fernando Gualdoni in El País about income growth and inequality between Spanish households in the period 1985-2015. [25/10/2015]

¿Trajo la democracia en España una mayor redistribución de la renta?

Jon Mikel Zabala (@jonmizabala) summarizes my article "Did democracy bring redistribution?..." and related studies about redistribution and inequality in modern Spain. [27/4/2015]

Public talks

¿Quién paga el estado del bienestar?

Talk in the 30th Escola d'Estiu of CCOO de Catalunya, "La (re)construcció de l'estat del benestar", on the progressivity of the Spanish tax system. [in Spanish] [7/7/2021]

In the news

Fraude fiscal en el informativo

Telenoticias 1 of the Canary Islands Television echoes the results of my study  "El fraude fiscal genera desigualdad...". Interview by Miguel Quintana. From 10' 30''. [in Spanish] [2/9/2022]