Table manager 2

This tab is used to configure Table manager 2.

Table manager 2 is designed to automatically arrange and manage tables. Unlike the old Table manager, it can manage tables of different rooms, it has more options for auto-activation and management of tables.However, some options that are present in the original Table manager are not available here.

In the left part of the window there is the Configurations list - this is the list of available Table manager 2 configurations. Using the Add new , Delete and Clone buttons you can create a new configuration, delete or create a copy of the existing one.

Selecting a configuration in the list loads its settings in the Slots , Table types and Config options section, and also activates it (if the Active check box is on).

Table manager and Table manager 2 cannot be used at the same time, so turning on the Active checkbox will automatically turn off the same checkbox on the Table manager tab and vice versa.

Table types

This section is designed to configure the types of tables with which Table manager 2 will work.

When creating a new config, the list of table types contains only one type - PokerStars (native support) . This type defines the standard PokerStars / FullTilt tables. You cannot remove it from the list, but if you don’t want Table Manager 2 to manage PokerStars tables, you can disable the Enabled checkbox for this table type.

Reset to default - clicking this button removes all table types from the list and replaces them with the following:

There are templates for several table types - for partypoker, 888poker, GG and Winamax tables.

These table templates do not describe all possible tables of these rooms, but only those that satisfy these templates. For example, if you are playing Omaha, you will need to add a template with a different filter by Window title .

You can also add support for tables of other rooms to this list - in order for you to find out the class name of the table windows in this room, as well as define a substring that can be found in a table title and cannot be found in the titles of other windows.

In the current version of the program there are no tools for automatically obtaining the class name from arbitrary windows, but in the future I will try to add a such tool.

Add new - button to add a new table type.

Delete - button to delete a secected table type.

Enabled - if this checkbox is off, then Table manager 2 will not process tables of this type.

Name - the name of this type. It does not carry any functional meaning, here you can write any your description for the created table type.

Window title is a fragment of the table title.

Window class is the name of the table window class. This option also has a Fragment suboption - if it is enabled, then the class name will not be compared entirely, but only the specified fragment will be checked, as it works for the table title by default.

Keep aspect ratio - keep the proportions of the table. If this option is disabled, the Table manager will try to stretch the table to the full size of the slot. If enabled, the slot width will be used as the base size, and the height will be calculated automatically based on the table proportions.

Work with invisible tables - some poker clients, when closing the table, may not completely destroy the window, but make it invisible (to use the same window again if you open another table). By default, this option will be disabled to prevent working with such tables, but if for some reason you need invisible tables to be processed by TM2 as well, enable this option.

Add sizing border - this option adds a resize border around a table. Use this option for Winamax tables, because forcibly table resizing causes incorrect rendering of the frame without it.

Move to slots of any table type - tables of this type can be placed in slots intended for tables of other types.

Table size control - if you disable this option, then TM2 will not control the size of the table while it is in the slot, and only its coordinates (coordinates of the upper left corner) will be checked.

Custom aspect ratio - if this option is enabled, then for tables of this type, an alternative variant of recalculating the height of the table from its width is used. Height is calculated as (width - fixed_width) / custom_ratio + fixed_height
This option should be used for rooms that use non-standard methods for table scaling (for example, new Winamax tables).

Pick window - button to capture the class name and window title, it can be useful when adding table types of other rooms. When you click on the button, a red frame appears around the window under the mouse:

In the upper left corner there are also controls - the title text and the class name of the window are displayed there, and by clicking the Pick this button you can copy them to the Window title and Window class for the type selected in the Table types list. Also clicking leads to exit from this mode (if you change your mind to choose something, then click Cancel).

The class name can then be used directly, and Window title will need to be edited, removing most of the text from it and leaving only the text common to different tables of these type. Don't just leave the text from the captured title there, otherwise this table type will only work with that particular table! You need to remove all variable text from there and leave only the permanent text. In this case, it is advisable to capture as much of the text as possible so that this type of table does not get confused later with tournament lobbies or with some dialog boxes that have the same window class, and the same text appears in the title.

For example, partypoker tournament tables may have the following titles:

$ 22 - Deepstack $ 22: $ 750 Gtd (298309937) - Table # 2

$ 2.20 - Tournament Dollar Sat: 3 x $ 20 Gtd [Hyper] (298302851) - Table # 1

Most of the text here is different, but there is something constant - this is a snippet ) - Table #

It appears in the titles of both tables and should be chosen as the Window title for partypoker MTT tables.


Here is a list of slots in which Table manager will place the tables. You can add slots manually by clicking the Add slot button and manually entering screen coordinates and dimensions (Left , Top , Width and Height in Slot options), or opening several PokerStars tables and clicking the Add opened button - in this case slots with coordinates and sizes of open tables will be added to the list. After that, slots can be sorted in the list by using the buttons with up and down arrows, which are located to the right of the list. Turn off the Active checkbox before placing table and using the Add opened button.

You can also automatically generate a grid of slots with a given configuration using the Create slots grid option.

To do this, in the Monitor drop-down list, select the display on which the slots will be created. In Columns and Rows, select the number of columns and rows in the slot grid, then click the Create button.

Advanced generation options can be opened using the >> button.

The following options are available there:
Slots generation area - slot generation area on selected monitor. By default, the entire working area of the selected monitor is selected there, but you can select only some part of it (for example, if you want to create a tile only on half of the monitor or leave some free area on one of its sides).

To aspect ratio - this button recalculates the height of the slot based on its width, the aspect ratio of the PokerStars table and options that affect the aspect ratio (Table manager 2 / Config options / Crop invisible table frames, Options / Table cropping / Use table cropping, Options / Table cropping / Remove table frame, Options / Table cropping / Remove table title bar)
Slots ratio - the aspect ratio that will be used to generate the slots. There are two predefined types here (for PokerStars and Winamax tables), and you can also set up any other option manually.

To aspect ratio - this button recalculates the slot height based on its width in accordance with the settings selected in Table manager 2 / Create slots grid / >> / Slots ratio. If the Stars tables option is selected there, then the table height is calculated based on the options that affect the proportions (Table manager 2 / Config options / Crop invisible table frames, Options / Table cropping / Use table cropping, Options / Table cropping / Remove table frame, Options / Table cropping / Remove table title bar)

Slot locations - here the slot configuration is displayed graphically. This allows you to visually see the relative position of the slots, as well as their distribution across monitors. The slot selected in the Slots list is also highlighted in blue here. You can select a slot for displaying Slot options both in the Slots list and by clicking on its image in Slot locations.

Slot options

The settings of the slot are displayed here, which is highlighted in Slots and Slot locations.

Left , Top , Width , Height - screen coordinates and sizes of slots.

Stack - a stack slot. If this option is turned off, then only one table can be put in the slot, and when trying to place some other table in it, these tables will be swapped (the first table will go to the second slot, and the second table - to the first). If the option is enabled, then any number of tables can be placed in the slot.

Place tables in this slot - if this option is enabled, Table manager 2 will place new tables in this slot. If you want to reserve some slots in order to move tables there only manually, turn off this option for this slot.

Use for table types - here you can select the types of tables that will be placed in this slot. Here is the same list of table types as in the Table types section, and using the checkboxes, you can choose which table types can be placed to this slot when the Table manager initially finds them. For example, you can make a stack for partypoker tables, or a separate tile for 888 tables. By default, all existing table types will be enabled here.

This option is only responsible for the initial placement of tables in the slots, when they only open and the program detects them for the first time. Manually you can place any type of table in any slot with a mouse or hotkey. Also, the auto shift tables in regular slots option does not take into account this option and tables can be shifted arbitrarily if auto-shift is turned on.

Slot type - type of the slot. The table will automatically move to the slot of the specified type when the table state changes. In the current version of the TM2, this functionality is implemented only for PokerStars tables, and a tables of another rooms will be placed only in Regular slots. In the future, I will probably also try to support this functionality for 888 and partypoker tables (with the support of 888Caption and PartyCaption, respectively).

A slot can be configured to one of four different types:

Regular is a regular slot with a gaming table.

Observed - a slot for a table on which there is no hero. All new PokerStars tables will be placed in slots of this type by default. After the hero is seated at the table, it will be automatically moved to the Regular slot.

Sitout is the table on which the hero is sitting out. If you play stacked and do not use Never sitout options, then it may be convenient to set up a separate slot of this type.

Activated - a slot for activated tables. The rules for activation (moving a table to the Activated slot) and deactivating (moving the table back to the Regular slot) are set using the Config slots / Activate table at + Deactivate table at.

Wait for BB is a slot where the player is waiting for the big blind (or a begging of a tournament).

If there is no Observed or Sitout slots in the configuration , then tables of this type will be placed in Regular slots.

Move table to this slot is a hotkey with which you can move a table (on which this hotkey is used) to this slot. Observed and Sitout tables can only be moved to slots of the same type, and Regular and Activated tables can be moved in any order.

Edit slots

This button toggles the visual slot editing mode. In this mode, windows appear on the screen that fit into all created slots. These windows can be moved and resized to fine tune the slot configuration you need.

It looks like this:

There are six open slots here, the first of them is active - i.e. it is selected in the Slots list on the Table manager 2 tab and its properties can also be configured in Slot options. Some of the options are available for editing directly here - coordinates and size can be precisely set in the corresponding boxes for editing. In addition, the buttons To aspect ratio and Delete slot are available here. You can also just drag this window by the title and the coordinates of the slot will change. The size of the slot can be changed by changing the size of the window with the mouse by the yellow square in the lower right corner.

There are four Add slot buttons along the edges of the slot. They allow you to add slots with the same dimensions as the current one, and close to it on the left, right, top or bottom. After adding slots, use the up and down arrow buttons to the right of the Slots list to sort the slots in the order you want.

In this mode, the main StarsCaption window is put on top of all windows, otherwise, if you have a lot of slots, it could get lost under them.

To exit the Edit slots mode, click Close Edit slots button in the upper left corner of the slot, or click Edit slots button in the main program window again.

Config options

Here you can configure various options that affect the current configuration of the Table manager.

Put all tables to a 1st stack - when placing new tables, the Table manager searches for free slots, looking them from up to down in the Slots list. If the next slot is a slot with the Stack option enabled and this option is enabled, then all new tables will be placed into this stack slot regardless of whether there are empty slots even further in the list or not. If the option is turned off, then new tables will be placed on the stack only after all slots of this type have at least one table. Moreover, if there are several stacks in the configuration, the first stack with the least number of tables in it will be selected.

Move tables to bottom of stack - if this option is enabled and the table is placed to a stack slot, then the Table manager will try to put tables at the bottom of the stack.

Auto shift tables in regular slots - automatic shift of tables in Regular slots after closing one of the tables.

Activate table at - condition for moving the table to Active slot:

Your turn - hero's turn.

VPIP or check - hero did any action except fold (i.e., put money in the pot preflop or checked at bb).

New hand - a new hand has begun and cards have been dealt.

By hotkey - activation by Activate/Deactivate hotkey.

Deactivate table at - conditions for returning a table from Active to Regular slot:

End of turn - hero made an action.

End of hand - the hand is over.

Hero folded - hero folded his hand.

By hotkey - deactivation by Activate/Deactivate hotkey.

Deactivate if pre-action clicked by Check / Fold hotkey - if this option is enabled and New hand or VPIP or check is selected in Activate table at , then using the Check/Fold hotkey on the table at the moment when the player has no turn (a hotkey in this case will click one of the two pre-action buttons - Fold or Check/Fold) will also deactivate a table. If, after this, hero still gets a move in the given hand, then the table will be activated again.

Deactivate if hero all-in - if this option is enabled, then the slot will be deactivated when hero is in all-in.

New hand - activate after limp/raise at BB - if this option is enabled and the Activate table at / New hand activation mode is selected, then when the hero is on the big blind, the table will not be activated at the very beginning of a new hand, but only when one of the opponents puts money into the pot. If everyone folds and hero takes the bank, the table will not be activated in this hand at all.

Crop invisible table frames - this option enables cropping invisible table frames in Windows 10, which allows you to automatically create configs without gaps between tables. It is recommended to use this mode in all new configs, and this option will be enabled automatically when creating a new config. In old configs, it will remain disabled for compatibility, so that you can use old configs without rework on new versions of the program. If you are going to redo the config, then I recommend deleting all slots from it, enabling this option, and then creating slots in any way convenient for you.

Hotkeys / Lock table in slot - a hotkey that can be used to lock / unlock a table in a slot.

HUD / Table panels / OnClick / Lock table in slot - with this option you can lock / unlock the table by clicking on the HUD panel. Since HUD is only available on PokerStars tables, this option is not suitable for tables of other rooms.

To indicate the lock state, you can use the [TM2_tableLocked] tag in HUD / Table panels (you can put OnClick / Lock table in slot on the panel with this tag and it will work as an interactive switch). This tag will display [•] for a locked table and [ ] for an unlocked one.

Multi-stack activation mode

Multi-stack activation mode - enables multi-stack activation mode. In this mode, the tables will be popped to the top of each stack independently for each of the stacks. That is, it will work in the same way that the Popup table whenever action is required option works, but for each stack individually.

To use this mode:

a) disable all other options for activating tables (Options / Popup table whenever action is required in StarsCaption and a similar option in the poker client).

b) Create Table manager 2 configuration with several stacks of Regular type and without Activated slots.

To evenly spread tables across stacks, turn off the Put all tables to a 1st stack option.

c) Turn on the Multi-stack activation mode option in Table manager 2 configuration.

As in the case of playing with a regular stack, it is recommended to create a slot of the Sitout type to put sitout tables into it - they will be automatically removed from the stacks to this slot (you can also make it a stack so that more than one table fits there) and there they can be closed or processed in some other way.

To control the number of tables in each of the stacks, you can use the [TM2_tablesInSlot] tag - it displays the number of tables in a slot.

Attention! Avoid using the pre-action buttons on tables in a such playing modes, as this can provoke a large number of missclicks. Always make a move only on the table with your turn, because otherwise you will periodically make a random move on the table that has just popped up.

There are ways in which you can lock a table in Active or Regular slot, so it will not move anywhere and will stay in this slot until you unlock it or move it to another slot manually. Also, the table will not participate in autoshift (see Auto shift tables in regular slots )

Hotkeys / Lock table in slot - hotkey with which you can lock / unlock the table.

HUD / Table panels / OnClick / Lock table in slot - with this option you can lock / unlock a table by clicking on a HUD panel. Since HUD is available only on PokerStars tables, this option is not suitable for tables of other rooms.

To indicate a lock status, you can use the [TM2_tableLocked] tag in HUD / Table panels (you can configure the OnClick / Lock table in slot on the panel with this tag and it will work as an interactive switch). This tag will display [•] for the locked table and [ ] for the unlocked.


Activate this configuration - activate this Table Manager 2 configuration. You can assign different hotkeys for different configurations and quickly switch them this way.

Lock table in slot - locks the table in the slot. When a table is locked, it ignores activation / deactivation events and remains in the slot until it is unlocked or until it is manually moved to another slot. Also, the slot can be locked using the button in the HUD, HUD / Table panles / Lock table in slot. The button can be made interactive by adding the [TM2_tableLocked] tag to it (this tag displays the state of the lock).

Activate / Deactivate - activation of the table, if it is in the Regular slot, and deactivation, if it is in the Activated slot. This hotkey is primarily designed to work in the Activate table at / By hotkey and Deactivate table at / By hotkey modes, but it will also work in other activation / deactivation modes.

Auto switch configuration options

This set of options is designed to automatically switch Table manager 2 configs depending on the number of open tables. It opens with this button:

After clicking on it, an additional panel opens:

The Active switch enables this feature.

Below you can select a set of configs (up to five) that will switch automatically when opening new tables and when closing old ones.

The program takes into account the total number of tables, without breaking down into types. If Options / Replayer slot / Handle by Table manager is enabled, then the replayer will also be included in the calculation.

The top row of settings sets the number of tables at which the configs will switch in order from left to right when the number of tables increases. That is, in this case, config "2" will be initially active, when the third table is opened, the config "3x2" is activated, when the seventh table is opened - "4x3", etc.

The bottom row of settings sets the number of tables at which the configs will switch in the opposite direction when the number of tables decreases. In this case, for example, switching from the "4x3" config to "3x2" will occur when one of the tables closes and there are five of them left.

The Block clicks and hotkeys for X milliseconds after switching option blocks hotkeys and mouse clicks (right and left buttons) after switching configs for a specified time. The blocking time is specified in milliseconds, in this example 1 second is selected. Only StarsCaption's own hotkeys are blocked, so try not to use the hotkeys of the poker client or any other programs if they can lead to unwanted missclicks.