
This tab allows you to configure the program, but also contains a variety of options that were not included in the other tabs.

Minimize to tray - if this option is turned on, then the program is minimized to tray and its icon is displayed there. Otherwise, the program icon is displayed in the taskbar. If the icon is displayed in the system tray,when you hover the mouse on it you can see the version of the program. By pressing the right mouse button brings up a menu with which you can close the program.

Start minimized - the program automatically minimized immediately after start.

Auto sit out after buy-in (cash table) - after seating, the Sit out next hand checkbox will automatically turn on.

Never sitout (cash table) - the program will automatically click the I am back button on the cash table as soon as it appears (except a Zoom tables).

Never sitout (tournament table) - the program will automatically click the I am back button on the tournament table as soon as it appears.

Never sitout (zoom) - the program will automatically click the I am back button on Zoom tables.

Table under mouse bring to foreground - the program will automatically bring to foreground and activate the table, which is under the mouse.

Auto timebank - the program will automatically click the Time bank button (approximately 3 seconds before the end of main time).

Moving tables holding Left+Right mouse button - table can be moved by simultaneously pressing the left and right mouse buttons anywhere on the table. It can be useful, if table cropping options are enabled.

Auto update [CH] tags -[CH] HUD tags will be automatically updated. If this option is enabled, the program will automatically press the tourney info update button in the Info chat tab. This pressing can cause some negative consequences (for example, close pop-up menus or interfere with moving the table). The program monitors such situations and tries to press the button only when it does not interfere with anything. However, if this option will induce some problems, you can turn it off. Tags will still be updated, although in this case this will happen with some delay.

Sit out next bb if stack more than X bb - this option will automatically turn on Sit out next big blind option on a cash table, if your stack is more than X big blinds. Also it has two sub-options:

Zoom only - option will work at Zoom tables only and will not work at a regular cashgame tables.

and close table - the table will be automatically closed after going to sit out on the big blind.

Sit out next bb if time bank < X sec - this option will automatically turn on Sit out next big blind option on a cash table, if the timbank on this table is less than X seconds.Also it has two sub-options:

Zoom only - option will work at Zoom tables only and will not work at a regular cashgame tables.

and close table - the table will be automatically closed after going to sit out on the big blind.

Closing delay for zoom tables - an additional option for Sit out next bb if stack more than X bb / and close table and Sit out next bb if time bank <X sec / and close table options (works only for zoom tables).

Here you can set a pause before closing the table according to these conditions (so that the poker client can save the hands played on the table). You can highlight such tables with the Table highlight / Waiting to close option.

Suppress Enter in the bet box - this option will suppress the Enter key in the bet box. This can help if you use auto-activation of tables in the room and sometimes make unintended bets by pressing Enter when you type the text in another window.

Use fractional numbers in the betbox for tournaments - this option allows betscript, hotkeys, etc. use fractional numbers in the bet box on the tournament tables.

Auto check for updates - StarsCaption will check for updates at running.

Table cropping

These options control the cropping of the table.

Remove table frame - removes the table frame and title bar.

Remove table title bar - removes the table title bar.

Save size & position - saves the size and position of the table when removing the frame / title bar.

When the table has no title bar, it can be moved by two mouse buttons (if checkbox Moving tables holding Left+Right mouse button is turned on). You can press the left and right buttons anywhere on the table to move it. If you have the right mouse button assigned hotkey, press the left mouse button first and then without releasing it, press the right - in this case, the hotkey will not work.

Also you can move tables by using HUD / Table panel / OnClick / Move the table option.

To close the table without title bar you can use the Close the table hotkey or the HUD panel where OnClick is set to Close the table (you can make a button with 'X' format string in the upper right corner for convenience).

Replayer slot

These options control the location and size of the replayer window.

To set the position of the replayer, open it, then click the Get current button. The program automatically sets Left, Top and Width parameters. Turn on the Active checkbox, and then when you open the replayer next time, it will be moved to the specified position.

If necessary, you can adjust the position and size of the replayer by editing the parameters Left, Top and Width manually.

New tables size & position

These options control the location and size of newly opened tables.

To set the size for new tables, open one table, set the desired size and press the top Get current button. The program will automatically fill in the Width and Height fields. Turn on the Set size for the new tables checkbox and when you open each new table, its size will change to the specified size.

To set the position for new tables, open one table, position it in the right place and press the bottom Get current button. The program will automatically fill in the Left and Top fields. Turn on the Set pos for the new tables checkbox and when you open each new table, it will be moved to the specified location on the screen.

Import and export

Save settings backup - use this button to save a copy of the program settings - this may be required when transferring settings to another computer or for saving them when reinstalling Windows.

Load settings backup - import previously saved settings from a file.

Hand2Note integration

Here you can set the program integration mode with Hand2Note.

Off - integration disabled.

SC mode - data transfer to Hand2Note using default protocol.

SH compatibility mode - data transfer to Hand2Note using an alternative protocol.


This option is designed to write debugging information to a log file.

Save options - Normally, the program automatically saves all settings when it closing, but you can save them at any time by pressing this button. You can use it if you have problems with with the autosave settings.