European Tour in 1992

My European Tour

The post graduation celebratory European tour (on a shoe string budget with a backpack) was one of the high points of my life. It covered the major cities of Europe. However, due to time constraints, we could not cover as much as we liked. I have with me a diary that I wrote during the trip...The following countries were covered:

    • England
      • London - Bought a pair of DMs only to find upon returning to Singapore that they were getting popular locally. Also took a boat ride down the river Thames. Greenwich was an interesting site to visit.
      • Salisbury - Quaint place...
    • Scotland
      • Edinburgh - Nice, but a little cold...Edinburgh castle was the main attraction
    • France
      • Paris - Communication was kinda difficult...we actually climbed the first 2 segments of the tower to save a couple of francs (we were on a shoe string budget...can't you tell from the quality of my T-shirt?) Visited the Arc du Triumph, Notre Dame cathedral and took a river boat ride down the Seine
            • Bordeaux - country. Took a wine tour around the area...quite nice...
            • Nice - Where the babes are...the prettiest ladies that I have ever laid eyes on were in this town
            • Monaco - got there by foot from Cape d'Ail, kinda dark and quiet when I got there
        • Spain
          • Madrid
          • Barcelona - interesting place... also had nice beaches with beautiful women
          • Sevilla - Site of the Expo 92. Quite large...the Singapore booth was disappointing though


    • Pisa - yeah, the tower was leaning, but the pasta near the university was GREAT! Totally home made...slurp, slurp...
    • Florence - beautiful hillside villa hostel...tranquil and serene. I did not know how to appreciate the statue of David by Michaelangelo though…
    • Roma - got pickpocketed...the Vatican was majestic, so was the Sistine Chapel.



    • Salzburg - Never quite saw nature so lush and green before...even in Canada. The Sound of Music Tour was kinda retro…the high point being this sled ride down the hill…wweeee…
    • Vienna - St Stephens square was interesting, so was the Schnitzels.


    • Budapest - interesting place, where East meets West...


    • Munich - Hung out at a beer garden...took a litre of beer and hobbled back to the hostel...


    • Amsterdam - Stayed REALLY near the red light district...took the riverboat tour, walked the red light district...wasn't so nice...the smell of marajuana was in the air...