Haru Yama Aikido (click on logo)

I will miss your guidance dearly, Yamada Sensei...rest in peace - Oct 15 2017

I picked up the sword in 2002 because you told me how complimentary and overlapping these 2 arts were. One of the most important conversations I had about the priority and perspective of the sword from Aikido was much later in 2015:

Yamada Sensei: ... Stanley san ...

Me: Hai Sensei

Yamada Sensei: ... Always look at Sword from Aikido

Me: Hai Sensei

Yamada Sensei: ... Not the other way around! ...

Me: Hai Sensei

Yamada Sensei: ... I "play" Katori Shinto ryu though the eyes of Aikido

Me: Hai Sensei

Yamada Sensei: ... Not the other way around ...

Me: Hai Sensei...

Within 4 years, I was ready to step down from Shimbukan Shinkendo, despite having the privilege to learn from Kaiso Obata.

Below: With Hideo Yamaguchi Sensei at a Seminar

Yamada Sensei's Life Outline (Feb 28 1938 - Oct 15 2017)

  1. Born in Hoen Manchuria February 28th 1938 (Showa 13)

  2. Went to Japan in 1946

  3. In 1947 entered Taimei Elementary School, then Akashi Junior High School and in 1957 graduated High school.

  4. Entered Japan Airlines in 1958 and retired from JAL in 2000 (Heisei 12)

  5. Kendo - Awarded 4th Dan

  6. Aikido: Entered Jiyugaoka Dojo in 1963. Awarded 8th Dan 2013. Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto Ryu - Awarded Kyoshi Menkyo (Bushi) Jan 1986

  7. Established Hokuso Aikikai at Sanbu Dojo in 1984, included Sanbu Dojo, Tomisato Dojo, Narita Dojo, Yachimata Dojo, Ichihara Dojo, and Hamanako Dojo.

With Hironobu Yamada Sensei after training at Chiba

Below: Me with Seichi Sugano Sensei during a visit to NY Aikikai 1999-2000

The old Serangoon Gardens Dojo where I taught 2000-2006 (below)

Jalan Besar CC (Aikido Shinjukai Days) when I assisted and filled in sometimes

What is aikido? (Taken off the book Aikido by Kisshomaru Ueshiba)

In Aikido, the moment of contact is the decisive time for action. The techniques of Aikido are rationally structured from a dynamic viewpoint. They may be outlined as follows.

The human body, in motion, becomes like a spinning top. When not in motion the body is in the stable posture of an equilateral tetrahedron. This triangle-stance is the ideal posture from which to start the techniques of Aikido. When the movement begins the body becomes like a spinning top. In this sense the techniques of Aikido should reach a state in which you can change the opponent's centrum by your own spherical motion which revolves around your centrum. Thus you maneuver and spin off your opponent with your motion.

The principle of Aikido is summarised as follows: TURN when pushed, and ENTER when pulled. This circular motion is different from the straight movements of jujutsu. It has more variety. When it is fully utilised in budo, it leads to another more effective area. This is the development of spherical motions, which consist of centrifugal, and centripetal forces.

(Top) I'm doing a tenchi nage on Denny, (Middle) The Aikido Shinjukai guys in the OSIM ad, (Bottom) Chief Instructor Philip Sensei, 7th dan, performing an irimi nage throw on me. (2001)

(Left): with the late Shihan Ken Cottier in 2000. (Right): In Memphis, US 1998 with Jim Baker Sensei (who has since relocated to Norfolk http://www.aikidonorfolk.com/)

Becart Sensei's students in Paris (1998)

with Michele Becart Sensei, 7th dan in 2019 (Tamura Sensei's student) in Paris (1998) (http://www.michelbecart.com/2/)

with Pascal Guillemin, 6th dan in 2019, Tissier Sensei's deshi outside the dojo in the outskirts of Paris (1998).

Below: (Right) Me with Christian Tissier Sensei, 8th dan by 2019, after one tiring session at his dojo in 1998

Hironobu Yamada Sensei, 7th dan in 2003 8th dan now. uke: Kuroyanagi.

Below: Hironobu Yamada Sensei in Singapore in 2002 at SAFRA Tampines

H. Yamada Sensei during Shinjukai's 15th Anniversary 2003 at Pan Pacific Hotel

Top Picture: Shihan Hironobu Yamada, 8th dan

Bottom Picture: Shihan Hiroshi Tada, 9th dan.

Event: The 15th Anniversary of Aikido Shinjukai, Singapore, 2003

Yoshimitsu Yamada Sensei (8th dan) of NY Aikikai during his visit to Singapore 2002 with Quek and me.

H Yamada Sensei's visit to Shinjukai below (Cheng San in August 2002)

front row from left to right: Trevor, Qwah YL, Yours Truly, Ahmad, Alan Lai, Philip Lee Sensei, Hironobu Yamada Sensei, Kelly Sensei, Gregory, Bernie, Denny, Guan Kiat

H Yamada Sensei's visit to Shinjukai (Gurkha Dojo) in 2001

Front Row L to R: Ahmad, James Moy, Alan Lai, Hironobu Yamada Sensei, Philip Sensei, Kelly Sensei, Chew Eng Lam, Yours Truly, Wayne Yim.

Kuriyabashi Shihan's (7th dan now) visit to Shinjukai in March 2003

My first yudansha cert. Examiner: Shihan Yoshiaki Yokota Shihan (8 dan) Aikikai Hombu (2000)

Nov 2004 after a session at Hombu with Yokota Shihan

My second yudansha cert. Examiner: Philip sensei shihan (7 dan) Aikido Shinjukai 2002

Third yudansha cert. Examiner the late Hironobu Yamada Shihan (8dan) 2014

Fourth yudansha cert. Examiner Hideo Yamaguchi Shihan (6dan), chairman of Hokusou Aikikai and successor of Hironobu Yamada Shihan, 2018

Nov 2004 Trip to Japan

Outside of Aikikai Hombu Dojo

With Yamada Sensei's students at Narita 2005

Yamaguchi Sensei and Yamada Sensei's students 2005


Above: Me and Cindy during a visit to Hironbu Yamada Sensei's dojo in Narita (think it was back in 2005). Thank you Yamada Sensei... I can see your hands are like holding a sword...even during dinner.

Me looking toasted

Me with Paddy and friends (Yoshiko san)

Cindy and I with Michael Wong


  • Aikido, Yurusu Budo, The Irimi Issoku Principle: Shoji Nishio

  • Aikido - Kisshomaru Ueshiba

  • The Art of Aikido, Principles and Essential Techniques - K. Ueshiba

  • Best Aikido Vol 1 - Moriteru and Kisshomaru Ueshiba

  • The Aikido Vol 2 - Master Course - M. Ueshiba

  • Budo Training in Aikido - Morihei Ueshiba

  • Aikido and the Dynamic Sphere - Wesbrook and Ratti

  • Ultimate Aikido - Yoshimitsu Yamada

  • Traditional Aikido Vol 1 - 5: Morihiro Saito

  • Takemusu Aikido Vol 4 - 5: Morihiro Saito

  • Aikido - Its Heart and Appearance: Morihiro Saito

  • Daito Ryu Aiki Jujutsu Ikkajo - K. Kondo

I can be reached at stanang@gmail.com

Last updated: 20 Jul 2020