Getting to Know

Getting to Know...Stanley

My life story... many years ago, I was a teenager at Fairfield Methodist Secondary School in Singapore. Left after O levels for Canada to try out something new. Ended up in

Columbia College (Vancouver, Canada),a private high school to complete my high school education.

Had a great time at Columbia College then went into the back breaking life as an Engineering Undergraduate at University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. After graduating in May 92 with a B.A.Sc in Electrical Engineering (Computer Engineering Option), I needed a break so went on a fun filled European tour for 42 days with my classmates from UBC.

The University of British Columbia. (Click on the icon to visit UBC's webpage)

UBC EE Gathering in Hong Kong Nov 2002

Came back to reality and started my National Service. Served the two and a half years then happily ORDed. Army Daze with Lenz, my army buddy

After the army, I started working as a Defence Engineer at the Ministry of Defence working on Digital Signal Processing and Communications. After three and a half years, I graduated with an MBA (Mgt of I.T.) from Nanayang Technological University.

Nanyang Business School

Completed the MBA (Management of Info Tech) program at NTU in July 1998 which included a Business Study Mission to Japan, covering Tokyo and Kyoto, culminating in a book published by Prentice Hall.

Pictures of the Business Study Mission to Japan

The opportunity came along to join

Federal Express as a Financial Analyst supporting APAC IT, which I took up for about 2 1/2 years on Management Accounting and Business Planning, then moved back to the IT department as a Senior Supply Chain Management Analyst for about a year.

To broaden my scope in the IT field, I took the opportunity to work at Cisco Systems in Singapore as an first as an IT Analyst then as a IT Project Manager in the Channels and Global Sales Operations area for about 5 years (the latest projects were implementing in Cisco and getting the application to integrate with both Lead Management systems as well as Forecasting Systems (Siebel)) with

Friends from Cisco APAC IT

A career opportunity came along from SAP Asia in late 2005 which I took up as a Manager of Partner Systems in the Sales Operations team. I am currently a Senior Director, Global Business Operations leading the Sales Forecast Process. Prior to that I was in the APJ Business Operations group leading Sales Applications, Sales Data and Executive Reporting with SAP Asia

My interests include watching my children grow up, martial arts, such asAikido - Aikikai Style under Hiroshi Tada/Hironobu Yamada Shihans, Shinkendo, a sword system, quiet jazz and the occasional classical music, reading anything from Asian and European History and watching movies, reading manga and enjoying food, coffee and the occasional single malt whisky.

I listen to stuff by KD Lang, Shirley Horn, Sarah McLaughlin, Eva Cassidy (I personally recommend her version of Autumn Leaves) and some John Coltrane and Downtempo music.

My tennis buddies. Me, Tony, Roy and Cindy.

More about what I do in my Resume... if you think that I can be of help to your organisation...and my reading list


Hhmmm...the flowers need some water....

Like my new batik dress?

Me outside Tokyo National Museum Nov 2004

Me Outside Asakusa Kannon Temple

Bright Lights Big City

New York in Fall 2000

Shopping Spree at Woodbury Commons anyone?

I graduated from Ngee Ann Polytechnic in Business Studies & completed a part-time marketing & management degree course from

Monash University. As for my job, I was from

Yeo Hiap Seng. and a Sales and Marketing Manager with Sanofi Beaute, the Singapore affiliate of

Yves Saint Laurent in charge of the cosmetic, skincare and fragrances for Singapore.(My e-mail add's stated below). After quite a few years with Bates an advertising agency, working on the Nokia Account, I'm now with Marketing at M1 Singapore

Hmm.. what are my likes!?? Tennis is a my favourite sport. I've been at it since my college days (that was like 9 years back) Just being out there on the tennis courts swinging my Yonex really de-stresses & refreshes me, esp after a hectic week at work. U could well say that tennis is an important part of my life. Ironically, I found the other important part of my life on the courts - STANLEY. We were introduced by Roy, our mutual friend on the courts.

Still on my interest, tennis, it's quite difficult to find good tennis ralleying partners. I hit the balls pretty darn hard so I'm pretty comfortable playing with guys, although I've a female tennis kaki from way back in college days. Tennis anyone??!?!?

Foo....d!!! Glorious foo...d!! Stan & I luv to check out new places to eat. We're pretty adventurous, from dark seafood chay kuay teow at Ghim Moh Market to fine wine & fine meat at The Four Seasons Restaurant. Any good places to recommend?!