What to tell us for the records
What to tell us for the records
Please tell us what you've foundWe will be very pleased to receive records of any fungi you find in Staffordshire and can identify with confidence. We're particularly interested in the ten common fungi we've listed for our Common Fungus Survey, so if you're out and about and you notice one or more of these fungi, please tell us. The species are described in all good books about fungi in Britain, but you may wish to download and print out our leaflet which contains the Common Fungus Survey information and photos from this site.
Where was it?
As we are intending to map the distribution of these fungi, we do need to know where you've found them, so please try to pinpoint the location as closely as you can. If you're not sure how to give a grid reference, the easiest way is to use UK Grid Reference Finder which gives a grid reference for any point on the map. Use the search facility to find the fungus location on the map, position the cursor on the point and right click. You will see a map pin and a set of information about the selected point, including a ten figure map reference. For example, the Wildlife Trust's Wolseley Centre has a grid Reference of SK 02421 20278. The habitat is also helpful in confirming the identification and also establishing when a fungus is found somewhere unusual, so please tell us the type of environment you find the fungus in (such as grassland or conifer woodland) and whether it is growing on or under a particular type of tree.
When did you find it?
We're also interested in knowing when you found each fungus, so that we can record whether sightings are at their expected times or earlier or later than usual.
Is it a new County Record?
You can check to see whether the fungus you've found has been found before in Staffordshire by looking at the page 'New County Records and Checklist'. If it hasn't, there is further information about what to do on that page.
How to tell us
If you have a small number of records, you can fill in a form from our 'Records Form' page for each one. If you have a lot of records, contact us via our 'Contact Us' page and we'll let you know how to send them in.
Your Records
Records will be added to the database held by Staffordshire Fungus Group and copied to Staffordshire Ecological Record (SER) and also to the database held by the British Mycological Society. You will be credited as the Recorder unless you prefer to remain anonymous. Please let us know if that is the case.The Records Form allows you to give or withold your name from the records.