Join the Group

Membership subscriptions are renewable on 1st July each year.

Cost of membership is £5 per household per year.

If you would like to become a member or renew your membership, please copy this form to Word (for example) and complete the details below and send to the Treasurer John D Stanney, 50 Mulberry Way, Leek, ST13 5TL,

or by email to

Payment can be made by bank transfer (preferred) to:

Account: Staffordshire Fungus Group

Bank: Barclays Bank

Sort code: 20 – 36 – 43

Account no: 10585068

or by cheque payable to Staffordshire Fungus Group to the above address.

Main contact:

Title:_______ First name:_______________Surname: ____________________






Others in household who wish to be members:



The General Data Protection Regulation came into force on 25th May 2018. This regulation requires us to obtain your permission to hold your personal data and to inform you what it will be used for, by whom and how long we will hold that information.

Your personal data will be held by the Chair, Secretary and Treasurer of Staffordshire Fungus Group on password protected files. It will be used only for contacting you about group related activities, for example: subscription renewal, informing you of upcoming forays and reporting on previous forays, information regarding Annual General Meetings.

We need to hold your details to enable us to contact you effectively and efficiently.

You MUST therefore tick the box below to signify your agreement to us holding your personal details.

If you do not want us to hold your data we will not be able to contact you, you will therefore need to access the SFG website to keep informed of activities.

If at any-time you wish us to delete your details from the database, please advise us and your details will be removed within 28 days. If you do not renew your membership your details will be removed automatically by the end of October.

Date: ____________ Signature: ______________________________

Typed full name will suffice