Squiggly beasts

There are many creatures that live closely with orcs and goblins. It's not always clear whether these are considered squigs or not. This page is dedicated to them - the squiggly beasts

Segmapede from the Dankhold Troggoth set [2019]

From chewing new tunnels and carrying baggage to transporting mobs of grots through the gloom, segmapedes are used for many tasks. [Gloomspite Gitz Battletomb 2019]

Fungoid Cave-Shaman Snazzgar Stinkmullett has a staff with "caterpillar familiar" and "Topping off the whole ensemble is the spine of some unknown creature, which runs down the back of the cloak to trail behind Snazzgar like some dismal trophy."

Unnamed squiggly beasts from the Gobbapalozza, Loonboss on giant squig and Squigherd sets

Beetle thing from the old Fanatic set [2006]