Squig Art

 Squigs come in many shapes and sizes. Here's a few examples from early GW products. Maybe some inspiration for conversions here?

24 Squigs from the game SQUELCH! The original game had two of each in different colours

Squig artwork from the early 90's volumes: Waaargh The Orks, 'Ere We Go and Freebooterz.

Some have had from the background removed to enable them to be seen more clearly.

Warhammer Invasion

A warhammer based card game

Baby Squig

Great Cave Squig

Guard Squigs

Squig Herders

Mangker Squigs

Skarsnik and Gobbla

Squig Hopper

Squig Lobber

Squig Pen

Squig Trackers

Warhammer 40k Conquest

A 40k themed card game

Attack Squig Herd

Squig Bombin'


Squiggoth Brute

Warhammer Champions

The latest warhammer card game

Boingrot Bounderz

Crazed Colossal Squig

Giant Squig Loonboss

Gnashing Squigs

Hurtling Squig Hoppers

Insane Squig Herder

Rollin' Mangler Squig

Squig Hopper Boss

Images from various Games Workshop publications over the years...

From the now defunct Warhammer online game... 

Nightvault warband- Zarbag's Gitz

From the latest Gloomspite Gitz release - 2109 YTS (Year of the Squig)

From the Gloomspite Gitz Battletomb - 2019

Not sure what this is, but it's kinda cool looking!

Is it a squig or a spider?

Spiteshroom vs. Stalagsquig


From the Gloomspite Gitz Battletomb - 2023

This flying squig is available as a phone case from Warhammer Merchandise

The Hair Squig comic

See the whole story on the Warhammer Community site 

I love how it looks like the classic Ork boyz hair squig...

Red Gobbo and Bounca

Everyone's favourite Christmas goblin and his pet squig, plus special guest "Da Goff Rocker"

Squig Anatomy

From the Warhammer Community pages...