Animated fungi

There's fungus, and then there's fungus. Some is a lot more animated than others. Some of these are definitely dangerous and not just for eating.

Not sure if these are technically squigs, but surely related in some way?

Mushling and Snotroom from the 1987 Snotling range

From the Dankhold Troggoth set [2019]

Squigherd set [2019]

Mangler squig set [2019]

Loonboss set [2019]


From the Gobbapalozza set [2019] 

Spiteshroom from "Mollog's Mob" [2019]

Grinkrak's Looncourt [2022]

Crud Creek Nosepickers – Snotling Blood Bowl Team 

Fungus Flinga [2020]

Fun-Hoppa [2020]

Fungi collectors guide from the 2023 battletomb