
TweeterScore is an expansion of the original Tweetquency sheet. It seemed natural

Compare 10 Tweeters: This allows you to enter the screen names of 10 tweeters and provides some

to first expand beyond 99 tweets and then to give more information about your target Tweeter. So this one allows you to analyze and chart up to 500 prior tweets (it's not so fast, but if you're patient, it's fun to watch it load), it gives some basic information about the tweeter, and it also tries to give "scores" of the tweeter's chattiness, likelihood to provide links (Link-i-ness), and frequency of including @replies.

Tweetquency 1.0 gives a quick view of the recent chattiness of any Tweeter.

summarized insight into the people they follow - giving the average number of followers and following they have. This is a virtual twitter-snop indicator - maybe - if you think that twitter snobs will only follow people who have many followers while the down-to-earth tweeters (like Coldplay and Barack Obama) will follow people with virtually no followers.Tweet Distribution: Search for a specific set of terms on twitter and see the potential distribution by analyzing the number of people who folow the people who tweeted about that topic. Also check out the Re-Tweet distribution - adding up how many people follow the people that RT that topic.

Twitter Search & Import: This is a slight variation to the Tweet Distribution spreadsheet which is simplified to quickly analyze any search term, such as chats, hashcodes or other topics on twitter. It lets you see the power of the discussion in terms of the number of followers of the tweeters involved in the discussion and tells you the number of unique tweeters (and lists them) involved in the past few hundred tweets.

Simple to use and fun - but not deeply useful. Its a good example if you're thinking of venturing into the cross-over world of Tweeting and Sheeting ;)Grade 10 Tweeters is a simple spreadsheet which takes the screen names of 10 tweeters and

provides basic information form twitter (followers / following / URL / full name) as well as a "Grade" from This is a good starting piont to learn basic ImportXML() capabilities of Google spreadsheets.