the group

Dr. Paolo Perna, PhD in Physics (group leader)

Prof. Dr. Julio Camarero, Associate Research Professor

Dr. Rubén Guerrero, PhD in Physics

Dr. Icíar Arnay Ortigosa, PhD in Physics

Dr. Alberto Anadón Barcelona, PhD in Physics

Alejandra Guedeja-Marron, PhD student co-directed with Prof. M. Varela, UCM

Adrian Gudín, PhD student

Leticia Melo de Costa, PhD student co-directed with Dr. M. Valvidares, ALBA-CELLS

Jose Manuel Diéz Toledano, PhD student co-directed with Prof. J. Camarero, UAM

Pablo Ollero, PhD student

former students:

Dr. Fernando Ajejas, PhD in Physics, now post-doc at CNRS-THALES in the group of Vincent Cros and Albert Fert (France).

Sandeep Kumar Chaluvadi, exchange PhD student with GREYC-CNRS & Université de Caen ENSICAEN, FR. now post-doc at ELETTRA (Italy).

Jaime Ramos, former internship student

Dr. Davide Maccariello, PhD in Physics, now post-doc at CNRS-THALES in the group of Vincent Cros and Albert Fert.

Adrian Gudín, former internship student

former members:

Dr. Javier Pedrosa Ruiz, PhD in Physics

Dr. Jose Luis Fernandez Cuñado, PhD in Physics

The SpinOrbitronics Group focuses the interests on the physics of low dimensional magnetic materials with special focus to the Spin Orbit effects (interfacial coupling).

The research developed by the group regards:

1. Disentangling magnetoresistance responses in magnetic nanostructures: magnetization reversal vs. spin-dependent transport; magnetic anisotropies (in-plane vs. perpendicular); exchange bias, spin valves, tunnel junctions; MR effects (AMR, GMR, CMR, ..); spin Hall effects.

2. Development of new hybrid (inorganic-organic) magnetic nanostructures: growth of artificial magnetic nanostructures; surface/interface analysis; molecular spintronic and graphene-based magnetic nanostructures.

3. Functional oxide interfaces: half-metallic, ferroelectric and multiferroic perovskites.

4. Element and spatial resolved X-ray spectroscopy and microscopy: X-ray magnetic circular/linear dichroism (XMCD/XMLD), resonant magnetic reflectivity (XRMR), magnetic holography imaging.

The group performs diverse scientific and technological activities -epitaxial growth (MBE, sputtering), surface/interface (XPS-UPS, LEED, synchrotron experiments) analyses and magnetotransport (MR-OKE, magnetoresistance, I-V, spin-Hall effect) characterization, as well as nanofabrication (lithography, device design)-, so that it requires wide expertise of the members and also tight collaborations with others groups at IMDEA. The group has also demonstrated the capability in tuition of students at MSc and PhD level.