list of projects

EU projects:

P1. “Tailoring Spin-Orbit effects in Graphene for spin-orbitronic applications (SOgraphene)” FLAG-ERA JTC (2015-2018). 4 partners: IMDEA Nanoscience (Coordination, Spain), Dr. Vincent Cros & Prof. Albert Fert group at UMPHY CNRS/THALES (France), Dr. Nicolas Jaouen at Soleil Syncrothron (France), Dr. Konstantin Zvezdin at Istituto P.M. srl (Italy). Project’s coordinator: Prof. Rodolfo Miranda. Dr. Paolo Perna (Resp. Magneto-transport and of the sample’s fabrication WPs). Total budget: 1.2 M€ (825k€ funded). Active

P2. “Towards an active bypass for neural reconnection (ByAXON)” FETOPEN-RIA-2016 Call H2020-FETOPEN-1-2016-2017 No. 737116 (2017-2020). Participants: IMDEA (coordination, Spain), SISSA (Italy), SERVICIO DE SALUD DE CASTILLA LA MANCHA (Spain), CNRS (France), Mfd-diagnostics GmbH (Germany). P.I.: Prof. R. Miranda; Dr. Paolo Perna (Resp. Magneto-transport). Funded by EU, total budget: 3.7 M€. Active

P3. “Towards Oxide-Based Electronics (TO-BE)” MPNS COST Action MP1308 chaired by Dr. Fabio Miletto Granozio (CNR, Italy). (2015-2018). Dr. Paolo Perna: Researcher. Active

P4. “A full device for artificial photosynthesis (A-LEAF)” H2020-FETPROACT-01-2016-RIA (2017-2020). 13 partner institutions from 8 different countries. Coordinator: Prof. J. R. Galán-Mascarós (Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ), Spain). Active

P5. "Unlocking research potential for multifunctional advanced materials and nanoscale phenomena (MAMA)" funded by the EU: FP7-REGPOT-2010-1 nº 264098 (2010-2014), Participants: 11 EU partners. Coordinator: Dr. Mario Cuoco, CNR-SPIN, Italy; IMDEA P.I.: Dr. Paolo Perna & Prof. Rodolfo Miranda, EU contribution: 2.4 M€. Closed

P6. “LSMO based magnetoresistive sensors (MRLSMO)” Cooperation project PICS (2012-2015) financed by the French National Scientific Research Council (CNRS) between CNRS-GREYC (UMR 6072) in Caen, France & IMDEA Nanoscience; P.I.: Dr. Laurence Méchin, GREYC; Dr. Paolo Perna, IMDEA Nanociencia. CNRS contribution: 21.6k€. Closed

P7. “Ordered hetero and Nano-structures with Epitaxial Dielectrics for magnetic and electronics Applications (ONDA)” FP7-PEOPLE-2009-IRSES, nº 247518, 2011-2014 EU Marie Curie Action. EU contribution: 201.6 k€. Closed

National & Regional projects:

P8. “Lanthanide coordination chemistry on surfaces (LANTHACOOR)” funded by MINECO, FIS2015-67287-P (2016-2019). P.I.: Dr. Paolo Perna, Dr. D. Ecija. Budget: 44k€. Active

P9. “Manipulando eskyrmiones magnéticos para aplicaciones espintronicas en tecnologías de bajo consumo energético (SKYTRON)”. FIS2016-78591-C3-1-R (2017-2020). Coordinated Project funded by MINECO. Participants: UAM(1), ALBA-CELLS synchrotron(2), Univ. Pais Vasco(3). P.I.: Dr. Julio Camarero, UAM; Dr. Paolo Perna: researcher (resp. of Magneto-Transport WPs). Total budget: 253k€ + 1PhD (UAM). Active

P10. “Towards multifunctional organic-based spintronics (MORGASPIN)” funded by MINECO MAT2012-39308 (2013-2016). P.I.: Dr. Julio Camarero, UAM; Dr. Paolo Perna: Researcher. Budget: 70.2k€. Closed

P11. “Nuevas Fronteras del nanomagnetismo Fundamental y Aplicado (NANOFRONTMAG-CM)” funded by CAM (“Programa de Actividades de I+D entre Grupos de Investigación”), participants: UAM, UCM, CSIC, CNB, IMDEA Nanociencia. (65 Doctors) (2014-2017). P.I.: Prof. Rodolfo Miranda. Dr. Paolo Perna: Researcher. Budget: 1 M€. Active

P12. "Adding basic functionalities to graphene (FUNCGRAPHENE)” FIS2013-40667-P (2014-2016). Funded by MINECO. P.I.: Prof. R. Miranda & Dr. A. Vázquez de Parga. Budget: 153.36k€. Closed

P13. “Fundaments and applications of magnetic molecules, nanoparticles and nanostructures: from spintronics to biomedicine (NANOBIOMAGNET)” Comunidad de Madrid (CM) (2013-2015). P.I.: Prof. R. Miranda. Budget: 1.1M€. Closed

P14. “Optimisation of functional NANOparticles as a novel, minimal-invasive and efficient therapy for targeting Cancer Stem Cell (NANOvsCSC)” MAT2010-21822-C02-01 (2010-2011) funded by MINECO. P.I.: Dr. F. Terán. Budget: 60k€. Closed

P15. “Magnetic nanostructures: fabrication, properties and biomedical applications (NANOMAGNET)” S-0505/MAT/0194 (2006-2009). Funded by MINECO. P.I.: Prof. R. Miranda. Closed

P16. “Spectroscopy study of the interfaces states in manganites superconducting cuprates bilayers as a function of external applied magnetic field” SEED FIR Young researcher INFM (2008-2009). CNR-INFM. Funded by MIUR (Italy). P.I.:Prof. R. Di Capua. Closed

P17. “Sintesi di ossidi idrati di titanio-zirconio ad elevata micro e meso porositá e loro conduzione protonica” Universitá di Cassino. PROJECT PRIN-MIUR (2006-2009). Funded by MIUR (Italy). P.I.: Prof. G. Dell’Agli. Closed

P18. “Synthesis and characterization of nanostructured metal-ceramics composite materials from zeolitic precursor” Universitá di Cassino. PROJECT PRIN-MIUR (2005-2008). Funded by MIUR (Italy). P.I.: Prof. M. Pansini. Closed

P19. “Development of advanced materials and new technologies for sensor applications” Universitá di Cassino. PROJECT PRIN-MIUR (2002-2005). Funded by MIUR (Italy). P.I.: Prof. U. Scotti di Uccio.Closed

International project:

P20. “Organic position sensitive photodetectors” funded by Chinese Scholarship Council Call 2011 (2012-2016); IMDEA Nanociencia. P.I.: Dr. Feng Luo; Dr. Paolo Perna; Dr. Miguel Angel Niño Orti; Dr. Juan Cabanillas. Closed

Non-competitive research projects with private company:

P21. “Nuevos catalizadores para la reducción de emissiones contaminantes (FREENOX)” financed by REPSOL Spain (2015). From 01/01/2015 to 31/12/2015. P.I.: Dr. R. Otero, Prof. R. Miranda, Dr. D. Écija & Dr. P. Perna. Budget: 130 k€. Closed

P22. “Multiferroic-based NOx catalyzer (FREENOX2)” financed by REPSOL Spain (2017). P.I.: Dr. Julio Camarero; Dr. Paolo Perna. Active

Individual Grants:

P23. “Towards organic-based nanostructured thin films for spintronic applications” financed by Spanish MINECO through Juan de la Cierva JCI-2011-09602 (2011-2013). Individual fellowship grant. Closed

P24. Marie Curie Action “AMAROUT”, FP/-PEOPLE-2007, COFUND, call 2009. Individual fellowship grant. Closed

P25. “Fabrication and characterization of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 thin films using a Pulsed Laser Ablation technique on vicinal substrates and silicon” financed by European Science Foundation (ESF) - THIN FILMS FOR NOVEL OXIDE DEVICES (THIOX), Activity Unity PESC no. 1202 (2006-2007), Exchange Individual fellowship grant. ESF contribution: 10k€. Closed

P26. Doctoral Fellowship financed from the Italian ministry of education, university and research (MIUR) (2004-2007). Individual fellowship grant. Closed

Synchrotron experiments:

Participation to > 20 synchrotron experiments (ALBA, SOLEIL, ESRF, ELETTRA, SINQ-SLS, CEA-SACLAY), 5 as main proposer at ALBA (4 in 2016 + 1 scheduled in 2017) and 5 experiments at SOLEIL (in 2016, 4 in-house).