New Stuff

This is a repository for the odds and ends that are part of the setting, specifically new gear, weapon, vehicles, martial arts, et cetera. New rules or variants are covered in the "House Rules" section. If something could be described as an "item", you will find it here. 

Shandian Mudan (Lightning Peony) School Kung Fu (IP x3) - This specialized martial art is taught only in a few training centers in SACPA. It combines some Chinese Kung Fu with elements of several Indonesian fighting arts, into a fast-moving and visually spectacular hybrid style. It is not as well rounded as many older martial arts, being intended largely for use by executive bodyguards chosen for their visual appeal - "Killer Dolls" as the media sometimes refers to them. The style focuses on speed, swordplay, and evasion, with a secondary focus on aimed strikes to vital areas. It is relatively weak as a close combat style; practitioners aim to keep foes at range, and outmaneuver them.Key Techniques: Strike +3, Dodge +3, Kick +2, Disarm +1, Sweep +1

Key Weapons: Sword, Knife, Shuriken