House Rules for CP2020

Cyberpunk 2020 is a great system... but not without its shortcomings. We will use several house rules as workarounds, streamliners, and shortcuts for the following topics:

Experience Points - Each session, between 1-3 IP will be awarded based on quality of play. Additionally, each Critical Success garners 1 IP for the skill used. Improving a skill costs IP equal to the level you are at, times the difficulty multiplier. So from Handgun +6 to +7 costs you 6 IP. 

Active Defense - This refers to any deliberate attempt to avoid an incoming attack. First, the "Dodge and Escape" skill is obsolete and should not be used. Use the following specifics for defense rolls:

Called Shots and Hit Locations - Deliberate attacks to the head and vital organs are -8 to hit, but do x2 damage after SP is subtracted. Attacks to the limbs are -4 (as are most called shots). 

The LUCK Stat - The normal rule is to add LUCK points before rolling to any die roll the PC makes It may be spent 1:1 before the roll, or 2:1 after the roll; each LUCK point equals a +1 bonus. The LUCK pool may be expended fully, as it regenerates entirely. Another more extreme choice is possible. By permanently sacrificing one luck point, a PC may force a reroll of any skill roll or attribute save that they attempt, or the hit location and damage roll of any wound they receive. They may do this as many times in a turn as they have LUCK points, but the loss is permanent. When a character's LUCK reaches 0, their "luck has run out", and they will meet a cinematically bad end very soon.

Cybernetics - Cyber in the setting is much more expensive than in the basic rules, and thus much less common... x10 list price for any cybernetics. It makes no sense to me that I could get bionic eyes plus options for the cost of one month's rent. This means there is a huge market for "low-cost"/used/black-market/cheap cybernetics. Fear not - if your character background merits it, you can start play with a free neural processor and interface plugs, provided by a previous employer.

Smartguns - The hardware and software involved shouldn't change based on the retail value of the firearm it is installed in. Assume the standard +2 smartgun rig costs $750. Other versions might be available, but this is the one in the rules.