Word Of Wisdom Quotes By Naomi Johnson

Quotes by Naomi Johnson (Soulality)

A fool is stuck into his selfish world and does not want to learn because he thinks his way of thinking is the correct way and trying to convert a person mind to think like them. He/she does not choose to learn new ways to better him or herself. He rejects new knowledge set before him and become blind with inner pride. Therefore foolish, hurtful, spiteful things flow from the heart without self-control of their mouth with catastrophic word that tears down the soul/spirit. The fool does not care about a brokenhearted person but their feelings. Next thing you know the communication level is filtered with bitterness.

A wise man sits, listen, learn, observe and embrace the knowledge that was set before him. Then take the information to build and grow to become a better communicator with others who are in need of instructions. And his wisdom will operate with love, patient, understanding; self-control of passion that will take him/her a long way. His/here conversation is sweet as honey because he/she was mindful of other people feelings and was able to filter his word with humbleness. He/she does not allow selfishness and pride to blind him/her to see that truth of a hurt wounded soul/spirit that is crying for help or thirsty for knowledge.

A fool is set in his stubborn ways and does not want to learn but draw his or her conclusion and hold on to his false pride.

A wise man is willing to learn, build and gain knowledge to educate others and himself.