The Greater Beauty of Being Black (Men)

The Greater Beauty of Being Black (Men)

Handsome man do you wonder where your beauty

of being black lies, it’s the strength of power you

display from your eyes.

The eloquent diverse hue of your skin

that you inherit from your kin.

The successful determination of God’s breathe

in your rib cage bones and the defeated struggle

of your lineage that is well known.

Your intellectual mind

that keeps you out of a complicated bind.

A strategic

techniques that no other ethnic man can critique.

The swagger in your walk,

and the profound words you use when you talk.

The arch of your chin displaying aggressive force to

win with a victorious grin.

A beautiful smile

that shows the grace of style.

Concerning you

plus your inner love for another too.

Your enduring faithful urges,

knowing how to pray when fear emerges.

As you embrace a peaceful soul

you’re able to control.

Your humble methods take care of your


When the world’s problems try to rob you of your


You find honorable ways to keep food on the

table, and do what you must when you are not

physically able.

So let me tell you the words that are written as fact

there is no more magnificent beauty than being black.