“The Weary Soul” By poet Naomi Johnson

Black History Month

Being stole then sold.

“The Weary Soul”

Being captured underground with the stench

of dead rats and human flesh in mass.

“The Weary Soul”

Being raped, whipped, shackled and tortured in

the small area under the ground, hard to move around.

“The Weary Soul”

Being sick, deprived, and buried alive,

just left to die.

“The Weary Soul”

Being ignored not mentally restored

with open sores.

“The Weary Soul”

Being robbed of your identity

and left with no serenity.

“The Weary Soul”

Being neglected and rejected with great disrespect

from another human being.

“The Weary Soul”

Being in agony and left in severe tragedy.

The Weary Soul, The Weary Soul.

Dedicated to all the Afro-American souls

who were lost traveling the underground
