Naomi Johnson, Founder of the Popular “Soulality Blog, Author, Poet, Artist and Noneillah Designer Reportedly Died Of A Broken Heart.

Nationwide — Naomi Johnson, who created Soulality blog website, author, poet, artist, Noneillah designer, has reportedly died after a broken heart from her son Deshon Johnson tragic horrific demise by Wilson Romaine who run Mr. Johnson over and dragging him 50 to 100 feet to his last breath two years ago. Sources say that she suffered from deep depression, especially after the recent loss of her son.

Her website, Soulality, was a popular blog that empowered African American people with uplifting poems, her site brought articles of raising awareness for the increasing reckless NJ Transit, Coach USA and other bus drivers. Her site compiled of artwork from various of artists, jewelry, fashion, clothing, music artists, psychic research, videos, educational, informative value information with plethora insight of what is happing in today’s world.

Naomi Johnson has been maltreated by NJ Transit bus company, Community Coach USA bus company, Bloomfield Township, some political figures and Essex County Prosecutor Detective Vehicular Homicide with her son’s case. The state and town have been nothing but crude, mean, heartless and conflicting her with mental torture for the past two years by covering up the demise of her only child for Wilson Romaine, bus driver. Who should not have been driving in the first place? Mrs. Johnson shares with me audio with Romaine saying twice he saw Mr. Johnson. However, NJ Transit lawyer told Romaine to remember you did not see anyone.

According to the website itself, the mission was to “ bring news, Nonillah’s fashion Collection, handmade jewelry art, artwork, self-love poetry, music artist, raising money for scholarship events, raising awareness to reckless bus drivers killing innocent people and not being held accountable for their actions, political cover-up. The public transportation company corruption, prosecutor detective vehicular homicide poor investigation, injustice actions from political officials, social justice, corruption, humanity, current events, videos read entertainment from all sort of sources research, personal accouter and much more.

Her website was also known for selling the Noneillah Collection by her hip-hop artist son Sean Cos Mason to keep her son’s legacy alive through his fashion and music.

Naomi Johnson was the founder of her son’s foundation called the Deshon Johnson College Scholarship Foundation that help raise money for low-income students to assist them with their college financial needs. She raise money for the Montclair High School, Kean University, Essex County College that started the Deshon Johnson Scholarship in his memory, raising safety awareness, educating people about the increasing death rate with NJ Transit plus other bus companies around the world, passing safety laws, give support to grieving/bereaved parents who lost their children and educate people how to communicate effectively with parents who lost their children of all ages.

Naomi held a range of raising awareness events to keep the public informed about the crucial to implement laws for safety and how these bus companies justice systems are allowing these bus drivers getting away with murder. She was very active with her son’s foundation and his Noneillah businesses.

Naomi Johnson was an author, poet, artist, publisher of Soulality, business owner, clothing designer an advocate for parents who lost their child by a reckless bus driver. She also was a teacher, writer, educator, online radio host of the Soulality Show, counselor, mobile notary, book layout designer, web designer and computer/digital designer; most important a loving mother to Deshon L Johnson who was her world.

After, her son’s tragic demise Naomi lacked family support on her maternal side. They abandon her. Naomi’s sisters and mother started to mistreat her a year later and with continual ridicule instead of giving her moral support, especially through her rough time, losing her only child. Naomi, encounter people who called themselves helping her, was stealing from and using her since her son’s demise. It was hard for Johnson to trust people.

At times, Naomi adopted daughter Tamara, Deshon’s godmother, Deshon’s best friends, and one of his best friend’s mother James Little check on her once in a while but not quite often.

Johnson was a single parent with no support for her son’s father. Johnson was solely on this earth by herself to fight for justice for her son’s injustice death, fight for the street name change where he was killed in his name in his memory and fight for a law to be passed in his name.

Naomi’s lioness, stress from the bus company, Politician, Essex County Vehicular Homicide prosecutor office cover-up, Wilson Romaine not being held accountable for her son’s demise. NJ Transit corruption on her son’s case, the county lying on her son’s for his demise, Bloomfield town, disability from Bloomfield police chasing a stolen car, depression and broken-hearted ended Naomi’s life.

The last time I spoke with her she told me, “that her life was an ongoing nightmare, she is suffering, she is dying slowly, she was not living, and she just was existence with ongoing pain and torture of losing her only child.”

Johnson wrote a lot of love, women, men, uplifting, Afro-American, self-pride poems knocked down beauty standards and encouraged black women and women of other race to look deep inside them that lay respect/ beauty within oneself.

You can Google Naomi Johnson to read some of her poems, see her artwork as well as her Noneillah Collection designs. You will find Naomi all over the web under Soulality or Naomi Johnson Soulality. Naomi’s poems, Noneillah’s designs, and artwork are shown on other people sites.

Johnson is being mourned all over the nation, but especially among fellow bloggers and her social media followers. Her supporters are sharing their condolences on Facebook, Pinterest, Soulality Instagram, Noneillahstore’s Instagram, Twitter, and other social media outlets.

Her untimely death has also re-sparked the conversation about addressing the issue of mental health in the black community and social justice.

Let’s continue to keep Naomi memory and legacy alive by sharing her artwork, book, poems and buying a Noneillah Collection.

Along with her son’s Deshon Johnson legacy/memory alive plays his music under Sean Cos Mason or Sean M Noneillah and through the Noneillah Collection. We must come together a fight to get a bench, street name or a permitted memorial where this young man lost his life on Wednesday, July 18, 2012, Broad and Bay Avenue Bloomfield NJ by writing to our government, Assemblyman/women, congressman or someone in a political position.

Naomi a Deshon will be greatly missed. She was a mother on a mission for her son on earth. Now the two are together again in heaven continue sharing their talented gift. They both were two special people that were a carbon copy of one another.

The world and Montclair lost two beautiful people to tragedy, one from an injustice death that was in vain and the other one to a broken heart of two years suffering from losing her only child.

Two words that come to my head about these two gifted people are a double homicide. They both had a lot to offer the world, wonderfully beautiful people.

For more details about the blog, visit www.Soulality blog

To see the blog’s Facebook page, visit