Research Resources

Human Centromere and Kinetochore Proteins:

A comprehensive list of >200 human centromere and kinetochore proteins that have been experimentally validated in the literature.

Updated from Supplementary Table 1 in Tipton AR et al. BMC Cell Biology. 2012, 13:15. Notify Dr. Song-Tao Liu if your favorite protein is missing from the list.

Lab Safety University of Toledo Environmental Health and Radiation Safety website.

Research Compliance University of Toledo Research Ethics and Compliance website.

Undergraduate Research Office of Undergraduate Research at University of Toledo (OUR-UT) website. I highly recommend interested undergraduate students read the Student Research Handbook.

Websites we visit often:

PubMed; Gene; BLAST

NIH RePorter

Bioinformatics: ExPasy; mRNA translation into protein; sequence alignment; reverse complement; restriction digestion;

Protein expression and purification help: EMBL source; Dr. Mario Lebendiker;

Microscope: Nikon Univeristy; Michael Davidson;

Statistics: statistics for biologists; John McDonald;