Post Reunion Comments

Post (37th) Reunion Comments.....

Hi Russ -

how's everything? Gee, I feel so bad that I can't view the pictures you just emailed. I don't have Internet access on my computer - can you believe that crap? Thanks so much for all your hard work and efforts. Thanks also to Pete Alberti. I would have loved to see all of them. Warm regards

-- Patti (Pasco)


Dear Danny,

Please know that your e-mails and all the work that you and the others spent for the reunion were not wasted on me. I very much wanted to come and really hoped to be able to make it up till the last moment. Alas, I couldn't..... must claim coward as I hated the thought of driving alone and my husband had long-standing plans for Memorial Day Weekend. I have really enjoyed hearing all the news and do promise that the next reunion I will attend.

I'm really pleased about the scholarship that our class was able to provide which got me thinking about setting up one for Tina. You know that she died in 1985 and we all miss her tremendously. Who would i contact to set up a scholarship in her name at Solvay High School? I would really appreciate any and all info that you could provide me. In the meantime, kudos for what sounded like a huge success and I miss you and all our classmates. I promise to be there next time.

--Mary Lee [Castelani]


For those of you who remember Aleta Rabozzi who attended Solvay Schools until 10th grade when her family moved to California. She would have graduated with our class had she not moved away. She was a very dear friend of mine, living next door, we grew up together. She passed away last week of lung cancer. She was living in Riverside CA with her son, John.

It is so sad to hear of all these YOUNG PEOPLE dying.

PS - Thank you Dan and committee for a fine job planning our 37th! The best part was seeing everyone. I too regret not taking MORE TIME to converse with everyone. It truly was like a family reunion. To those of you I did not at least say hello to, greetings to you.

I have thoroughly enjoyed the website, thanks Russ.

I think it would be great and I encourage each of you to place your biography in the website to bring us up to date on what's happening in your life.

God's blessing to you all,

--Mary Anne Brown (Jerome)


Dan: what a great reunion. I just emailed Glinski's son telling him i knew

why his dad didn't show because of the polish joke. Thanks again for the

hospitality. You and Lynn are the best.. The class of "64 is something

else--what a great group of people.. Hope three years rolls around quickly

can't wait to do it again. Lets do an entire weekend next time.

--arnie [luckette]



Miss talking to all of you folks....doesn't seem like it was just three weeks

ago that we had our Reunion......everyone in Solvay is talking about the

Reunion....and I don't mean just members of the Class of '64.

Quick status regarding the Scholarship. The Committee has decided to give two

(2) $1500 Scholarships (male and female). Criteria has been set and submitted

to the Solvay High School Scholarship Committee who will do the selection for

us. Committee is meeting tonight, Tuesday, 6/12. It has been decided that we

will hold the remaining money so that we can make another award next year.

Contributions are still coming in and I believe we will have almost another

$1000 for next'll correct...we have nearly $4000...AMAZING! You

are the best.

I will advise you of the names of the selected students after commencement.

Stay in touch....

The following is a paid advertisement:

If you are around Columbus Circle during the week, stop by

Dave "Archie Bunker" Noce's Hot Dog Stand and have a "dog" with

Archie. He is giving a 10% Discount to all members of the Class of '64

(after you have ordered 10 hot dogs and 10 coneys).

--Dan Scaia


Dear Dan and Committee, I apologize for being so slow with my thanks (I may

be the last classmate you've heard from) but we had a great time! You guys

did so much work, and it paid off big-time. The reunion was a resounding

success! Everyone had so much fun. I hope we can get together again soon.

Please let me know how I can help; as I'm retired, I should have plenty of

time. (I was retired this time, too, and, ironically was even in Syracuse,

but my time was spent helping care for my mother during her terminal

illness.) Thanks again for everything! Love,

--Joanie (Engle) Graham


Dear Paula, I sent a message to Dan saying how great I thought the reunion

was and what a great job all of you on the committee did. I'm not that

computer literate so I didn't know how(without asking my kids) to forward my

note to all of you who worked so hard. The only thing I would have changed

was the table seating. It seemed to me that the old high school groups held

together pretty tightly. I would have liked us to be intermingled a bit.

When you go to one of those things, you know you're going to talk to your

old friends. It would be nice if we all talked to some people that weren't

in our groups also. I'm ready for another one and I would be glad to help in

any way I can.

--Janis (Friedli) Quinn


Dear Russ,

Sorry we couldn't be at the reunion with everyone. It sounds like it

was a great time, and we hope to be able to be at the next one--hopefully not

in the too distant future. I am sitting here ready all the comments and wish

we could have been a part of the 200l reunion. Dan, the committee, and you

all deserve a hand for a job well done. Hope to see you and all of our

classmates, maybe in 2002!

--Tony & Judy (Susco) Dannible



Woods Road Field at the fountain with our paper bags and


Let's make it happen.

Pass it around.

Stay well,

--Bob Z.


I made it back and am just now getting caught up to the point where I can take a few minutes to write. I think the reunion was great. I certainly enjoyed it and seeing everyone, but I sure didn't spend enough time with everyone. It seems like all I did was say "hi" to 50 or 60 people. As you can perhaps tell from the web site, I've turned into somewhat of a sentimental guy. So to all of you whom I feel that I slighted, I apologize and hope to make up for it at the next get together. (In church the morning after the reunion, a familiar face said "hi" to me, but I couldn't for the life of me remember her name. When I got back, I dug out the yearbook and found that it was Eileen Kinsella. Of course, I feel bad about not remembering her name. Eileen was not at the reunion.)

Dan Scaia, Paula Galante, Joe Todisco, Pete Alberti, Dave Noce, Sandy Streib, Dorothy Macabelli and Kathy Franceschetti (I almost said "Dan and the committee) should certainly be commended for an excellent job. The Tyrol Club was a good sentimental choice, the food was great and the company superb.

I certainly want to thank all of you for the clocks. (Seems I have nothing but time on my hands now.) While deeply appreciated, I don't know how deserved they were. Doing the web site was more a labor of love than a labor. It brought you back to me and not just as a memory. So it is really I who should be thanking you....and I do.

I've updated the web site ( with comments that I've received thus far and will continue to do so. Of course, I look forward to adding photos as well.

Miss you all, already.

--Russ Graziano


Hi Danny, sorry I couldn't make it to the reunion, based on all the emails it sounds like it was a super hit ! Congratulations. Fyi, susna was "unscrewed this morning, the cast is off and she is raring to go. probably many weeks of therapy but she can shave her leg now !

I am not sure if I sent you enough $$ for a (2) picture but would like to have one.........tell me if I still owe you $10?

--John Waters



Having attended all of the reunions, I must say this reunion was particularly

special. Perhaps its because we are older and hopefully wiser that we can

look back and realize the importance of our roots and as Gerry Fiorito

mentioned, our uniqueness. Going to school in Solvay from K - 12 was like

seeing members of your own family every school day (unfortunately not very

common these days). Whatever the reason, I must say that the bond is still

there .....alive and well and judging from the comments made by other

classmates, we all have been touched by this magical night otherwise known as Solvay High School Class Reunion 2001.

Looking forward to the next one,



To all my classmates - I am so proud of all of you and so pleased to be one of you. I had a wonderful time - I am still smiling and my family and friends are tired of hearing about the reunion. Please stay in touch. Love to you all. Please send me emails and consider a visit to NH.

Love, Marilyn (Alberti) Marsch


Hi Paula - I hope Dan put my message out to him from the beginning of this week. I told him what a great time we had and what a terrific job he and the committee did. I know how difficult it can be to take time for our busy lives and put the type of effort you all did to make Saturday night such a memorable evening. As always, we had a blast. The August 15th date sounds good to me and that would be a neat place for an informal get together also for our class!! Thanks again and congratulations to all of you for your making our 37th Class Reunion SUPER!!!!!!!!

--Patti (Pasco) Greco


I am almost to embarrassed to admit that I missed out on getting into the

photo. I guess I just got so caught up in seeing everyone and stopping to

reminisce, that I lost sight of my destination. My not being in the photo

does not bother me as much as my not ordering one. If it is still not too

late, please order one for me. The check is in the mail. If it is too late,

don't worry about it. Have a few beers on me. I had a wonderful time at the

reunion. We truly do have an unusual class. I have lived out of state for

so many years and have only been able to attend the last 2 reunions; but had

a wonderful time at both of them. I hear so many horror stories from

people talking about their class reunions and I realize how fortunate I was

to have experienced growing up in Solvay. How very fortunate I am to have

friends (some that I have known since kindergarten) and are actually more

like family. The reunion was the icing on the cake. Seeing so many people

that I had not seen in years and realizing that our class still has a very

unique bond. My thanks to all of you for the time and effort that was put

into planning the reunion. It is truly appreciated.

The missing face from the photo.

--Gerry (Fiorito) Hughes


Fellow Classmates:

Here it is 12:45 pm on Tuesday and nobody has anything to say about that

very special evening a few nights ago???

Maybe no one is awake yet - believe me, I've been exhausted for 3 days


Talk to us, was it okay, do it again and how soon, food could of been

better, we know!!! Music? Place?

Didn't anybody have some fun???

I thought it was great and will not forget it. After all, I haven't really

been to a reunion since the 20th (17 years).

Let's hear some comments - good, bad or indifferent.

--Paula (Galante) Green



Can you encourage all the class members to submit a bio to the web site? I

did not have time to speak to everyone for the length of time I needed to

find out what they have been up to for 37 yrs. I wish it never had to end. I am still smiling. What a wonderful time. I enjoyed renewing my old friendships. There is no friend like and old friend.

--Marilyn (Alberti)


I miss all you guys!

I had such a wonderful time at Reunion - it seemed far too short an evening - and I keep thinking about all the people whom I regret not spending more time with (just about everyone!). I can't tell you how nice it was to just sit there, watching everyone interact, and let the good feelings in the room wash over me. It brings a smile to my face even now.

Thanks to everybody. Let's not lose the connection.

P.S. Did anyone take digital pictures for the website?

--Susan (Mascette) Brandt


Danny, What a blast!!! Thanks for all your hard work and perseverance to have such

a great turnout and the entire committee as well for their involvement. I

almost didn't go because of working that weekend. Thanks to Donna, Jean and

Ann who wouldn't take no for an answer, I could have missed out on a very

memorable night. What a treat to see so many of our pals from so long ago.

As Marlene Dembrowski said, she can't remember the last time she was out till

3AM, me too, only it was 4AM. I went to work Sunday morning with 45 minutes

sleep and had no regrets at all! August 15 sounds like a terrific idea, let

me know what I can do to help.

Thanks again...

--Ginny Past


Hi Russ, Thank you for this wonderful walk down memory lane. The reunion was great. Wish we could all get together a little more often. Can't wait until the next one and God willing we can all return once more. Thanks again.

--Gale (Prosser) Shuba.



As I wrote John Cottrell earlier, we really didn't have enough time together.

Someone once mentioned doing a week on a cruise, or something vacation, religious retreat, whatever.

Nan and I would certainly be "down with the movement."

Why don't you and Dan start looking in that direction?

I'd like to help, but as you know, retirement keeps me terribly busy and, after all, you guys are the two that could pull it off!

Let's keep talking.

As an aside, I was absolutely amazed at the number of ladies, not men, who commented on the angling web site.

I hope you enjoyed the current offering.

Stay well,

--Bob (Zajak)


What a great time I had a the reunion. We may have aged a little, but we still know how to have fun. I can't remember that last time I got home at 3:00 a.m.

Thanks, Dan, for making sure that the ladies got out on the dance floor (and Linda for being a good sport about it)and to Arnie for keeping it going (was he really doing those splits, or was that my imagination?). Thanks also to Pete for the dances and conversation. You guys, and the organizing committee, are the greatest.

Judy did us proud by getting into that old prom dress, as did Sue for making sure that the committee was properly thanked.

I can't tell you how much I enjoyed seeing "the girls" and renewing some old friendships. I plan to keep in touch.

I hope that we don't wait so long to do this again. Pete suggested August 15th weekend for the next one so that we can also revisit the Solvay Field Days. I don't know how much help I can be from Virginia, but I'll do what I can to encourage more classmates to attend. Love to all,

--Marlene Dabrowski


Dear Dan, Mike and I want to thank you and the other members of the

committee. You planned and executed a great reunion. After not seeing most of

my classmates for 37 years, it was wonderful to talk to so many great people

again. We have all had a lot happen since high school, but the friendships we

made in our younger years had a lot to do with the path our lives took. As I

saw so many faces from the past, I was amused by the silly little things I

remembered about each one. I know others felt the same because I heard some

stories I had long relegated to the deepest nooks and crannies of my mind.

I agree that we shouldn't wait so long for the next one. I didn't get to talk

to everyone. Let's start planning the next one.

--Janis (Friedli)