
Where we were around the year 2000

Solvay, as we know, holds strong ties. Many of us stayed close to home. Here are a few statistics.

In the area:

25% of us list a Solvay address

17% are in Syracuse

7% moved to Camillus

6% crossed the lake to Liverpool

3% live in Baldwinsville

If you're counting, that's 58% of the class remaining in the immediate vicinity.

80% of the class still lives in New York state.

Beyond that, no state holds an irresistible draw.

3% of the class stopped moving when they hit the Pacific waters and reside in California.

1.5% are fond of Florida's beaches and Texas' oil.

Maryland, Deleware, Illinois, New Mexico, South Carolina and Virginia each claim 1% of the class

The remainder of us are scattered, singularly, among 14 different states.

We have only one expatriate - living in Canada..