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Comments from classmates upon learning of the death of our teacher...

John Testone

January 9, 2010


Dan Scaia: As you may remember we invited Mr. Testone to our Reunion. Sharon Testone indicated at the time that he was not doing very well and it would not be possible for Mr. Testone to attend.

I have received two e-mails, one from Anne LaValle and one from Janis Friedli, that I would like to share:

Dear Dan, I just attended Mr. Testone's funeral, and I am still crying..he had such a profound effect on my life...and he made me feel that I could accomplish anything..I spent five periods of seven in my senior year with him, including homeroom, English, Journalism, Newspaper and Yearbook Staff...he was brilliant, funny, patient, and sweet...with a heart as big as Utah..the service was lovely, and I am thankful that I could be there. I am going to write a note to his wife Sharon because I want her to know some of the crazy stories about Mr. T that I think will bring a smile to her face. I encourage others to do the same. These are memories of the best time of our lives. Take care.

Anne LaValle

Dear Dan, What a sad day for teaching. Mr. Testone was without a doubt my favorite teacher. I know I'm not alone with that thought. His classes were a joy. I was lucky enough to have him for both English Lit.and Journalism. He was the kind of teacher who encouraged the exchange of ideas, a practice that was not very wide spread in the 60's. May he rest in peace knowing he had a profound effect on many students through the years.

Janis Friedli


Len DeLallo and I had the privilege of two adjacent desks directly in front of Mr.T's. Unbeknownst to the rest of the class, he would bust our stones constantly in a sotto voce intended just for us.

I will never, ever forget Beowulf.....Mr. T crawled under his desk and then leaped out exclaiming, "In the darkness dwelt the demon sprite, Grendel!"

That is indelibly etched....

From Pia's Italian class, "A chiamo a suo lavoro a lo fa bene."

"He who loves his work does it well."

Rest in peace, John Testone, you were an inspiring blessing to so many....

Stay well,

Bob [Zajac]