Preacher to Preacher: Prophetic or Pathetic?

Preacher to Preacher:

Prophetic or Pathetic

In Ephesians 4:11-12, we find what has been named the “Fivefold Ministry” which exists for the purpose of equipping the saints. Among the fivefold ministry, one of the offices listed is that of Prophet, which brings to the Church what is widely known as the “Prophetic Ministry”.

Is this Prophetic Ministry of the Church truly “Prophetic” or is it increasingly becoming “Pathetic”?

Have you noticed in the day in which we live, there are more “Prophetic Meetings” then there are meetings designed to reach the lost with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Isn’t this Pathetic?

Should we research the Prophetic, we will find that over the past thousands of years, history has not changed. In the Old Testament, there were always more “False Prophets” then there were “True Prophets”, and today this fact still remains true.

It has been said that one would know a true Prophet, by his prophetic words coming to past, but we must keep in mind that this was not the only proof of a true prophet according to the Word of God.Fact is, there have been many Prophets who have prophesied correctly, but they were not Prophets sent by God.

One such example is found in Ezekiel 13, where the Prophets of Israel are described as prophets who prophesy out of their own heart and are compared to foxes in the deserts, always looking for prey. God calls them liars and prideful prophets who have engaged in witchcraft, who God has not sent. These prophets are the type of people who prey on the hopes of man, prophesying a “confirming word”.

Just because a prophet prophesizes a “confirming word”,

just because he prophesized correctly,

does not mean the word is from God or that he is sent from God,

no matter how anointed he seem to be.

Also consider this, if he is not sent from God, then he is operating under a different spirit, which God Himself calls “divination”, witchcraft..

God is against these so called prophets because they “…have not gone up into the gaps, neither made up the hedge for the house of Israel to stand in the battle, in the day of the Lord

Likewise, today many “prophetic ministry” operate in this deception and are not preparing God’s people in these “Last Days”, but rather have become prideful, self centered, engaged in lying divination, which is witchcraft.

Many who appear or believe themselves to be “anointed” are seducing the body of Christ, but the end game is a livelihood, paycheck or cause to raise funds.

Sadly, it is done all in the name of God or under the titles of prophetic gifting, anointing, or five-fold ministry. It is becoming pathetic no prophetic.

Many of these Prophetic meetings will have a financial charge to attend and/or sometime during the meeting you would be told how much you will be blessed and receive a “prophets reward” if you plant a seed or give in the offering. This is truth from scriptures that has been prostituted for mans gain.

Is there a Prophets reward for giving to the man of God? The answer is Yes and No.

Yes, if you are giving out of a pure heart, expecting nothing in return and No, if you are giving for the purpose of receiving, for then your motive has become selfish and we still serve a God who judges the motive of the heart.

In Ezekiel 13:19, God ask a question to these prophets, “…will you pollute me among my people for handfuls of barley and for pieces of bread to slay the souls that should not die and to save the souls alive that should not live, by your lying to my people that hear your lies?”

Christians beware, take heed, be careful, for if you believe you live in the “Last Days” before the coming of our Lord then 1 Tim. 4, has already warned us that in the latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils, speaking lies…

In 2 Tim. 3, that men would be lovers of self… having a form of godliness but denying the power… ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of truth…

And 2 Peter 2, …there are false prophets among us who many will follow because of and popularity, believing whatever they teach or say. Through man’s covetousness and lust, these false prophets will make merchandise of the people, causing them to give for the sole reason of receiving, prostituting the prophetic, by paying for a prophetic word.

Remember, one can believe a prophet to be anointed and his prophetic word to be confirming and correct, but that does not mean he is sent from God.

Saints beware of Prophetic meetings that bring in “prophets” and charge money to attend or push for big offerings in the name of ministry. In the Old Testament, it was the false prophets that did everything for money and favor, but most of the true prophets would turn away money.

As the prophet Elisha did in 2 Kings 5 when he refused money from Na’a-man the leper.

The prophetic was never meant to be merchandized. We can no longer hid behind phrases like “prophet’s reward is in store for you” or “the kingdom of God needs money to operate” as a method to seduce people to give, for it raise a generation of Christians who are selfish and give to get.

To pay money to attend a “prophetic meeting” or receive a “prophetic word” is prostituting the office and gift of God, it is pathetic not prophetic.

Again, I believe in the five-fold ministry and the gifts God has giving to the Church, but do not see it operating the way God intended. The Church has become big business and has exchanged true faith for marketing techniques to raise money rather than equipping the saints to reach the lost with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The hardest thing in ministry is: “Keeping the Ministry Pure”. Saints be careful, what may seem to be Prophetic, may actually be Pathetic.

Sermon by: Bishop John Aguilar, Overseer of Shepherds of Grace International and Pastor of Shepherds of Grace Church