Sofia Karina Trommlerová, PhD

Welcome to my webpage!

I am an MSCA Postdoctoral Fellow in economics and economic demography at Comenius University Bratislava, Slovakia, and co-founder and co-director of SAVIA - the first Slovak Association of Women in Science and Innovations. I am also a Research Fellow at Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) and Central European Labor Studies Institute (CELSI), and a Fellow of the Slovak Economic Association

I use statistical methods to examine topics related to family, fertility, child health, and gender. My main research interests encompass family economics, population economics, development economics, and economic demography. Previously, I worked on human development (capability approach, empowerment, agency) and poverty in developing countries. In all of my work, I use applied microeconometric methods.

Check out the webpage of my MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship research project PREGNANCYBENEFIT

If you are a woman in Slovak science or a Slovak female scientist abroad, sign up to become a member of SAVIA.

The non-technical summaries explain my work in simple, laywoman's and layman's terms. My research articles can also be found on my Google Scholar profile. Feel free to reach out to me and discuss research projects or possible collaboration.

About me

I received my PhD degree in development economics from the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID) in Geneva, Switzerland, in 2016. During my PhD studies, I was an MSCA research fellow at Bocconi University in Milan, Italy. Afterwards, I was a postdoctoral researcher within a Gates Foundation-financed  project at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS), Erasmus University Rotterdam in The Netherlands, and a postdoctoral researcher within an ERC-funded grant at Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, Spain.

Apart from academia, I also have experience in producing policy-relevant research and communicating it effectively to policy makers and stakeholders in international development. I have consulted for the World Bank, the Gates Foundation, IPA, ODI, and others.

I have research, teaching, and field work experience in several countries in Europe, East Africa, and South America. Over the years, I have lived in Colombia, Peru, Kenya, Uganda, Germany, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Italy, and Spain.

Last update: July 2024



*** Great news! I have become a Research Fellow at Institute of Labor Economics (IZA). 


*** A joint paper with Libertad González is finally out at AEA Papers and Proceedings! We evaluate the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on fertility in Spain and show that by the end of 2021, fertility of Spanish women increased by 5%, which is a trend resersal from previous more than a decade of constant decrease.


*** I am happy to attend the PAA 2024 conference in Columbus, USA. It was my first time joining the demographers at their top conference. My previous attendance at PAA 2020 was not possible due to COVID-19 pandemic.