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Great news! I have become a Research Fellow at Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).


A joint paper with Libertad González is finally out at AEA Papers and Proceedings! We evaluate the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on fertility in Spain and show that by the end of 2021, fertility of Spanish women increased by 5%, which is a trend resersal from previous more than a decade of constant decrease.


I am happy to attend the PAA 2024 conference in Columbus, USA. It was my first time joining the demographers at their top conference. My previous attendance at PAA 2020 was not possible due to COVID-19 pandemic.


I am happy to attend the ASSA 2024 conference in San Antonio, USA. I present joint work with Libertad González which is also forthcoming in AEA Papers and Proceedings. This is my first time attending this conference in person. My previous plans to attend were altered by the COVID-19 pandemic so that I either did not attend or participated online.


Great news! I have become a Research Fellow at Central European Labor Studies Institute (CELSI) and a Fellow of the Slovak Economic Association.


After one year of its inofficial existence, the first Slovak Association of Women in Science and Innovations (SAVIA) has officially become a legal entity. I am proud to be a co-director of this much needed association which aims at greater gender equality in Slovak science and academia.


A joint paper with Libertad González just came out in The Journal of Human Resources (Open Access), after 2 years in the pipeline! We find that a generous benefit paid at birth of a child  led to more births in Spain in 2007-2010 (approximately 70,000 more children were born). See a brief summary of these results here.


The first, newly established Slovak Association of Women in Science and Innovations (SAVIA) has recently started activities aiming at greater gender equality in Slovak science and academia. I am proud to be a co-founder of this much needed pioneering project in Slovakia, a country with one of the lowest Gender Equality Index in the EU.


I am extremely proud to announce that I am starting a Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship in my home country, Slovakia. My research project will focus on a policy evaluation in the area of economic demography. This is my third postdoc and I am moving to Comenius University to work with Branislav Bleha. My previous postdocs were at Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, Spain (with Libertad González) and at the International Institute of Social Studies in The Hague, The Netherlands (with Matthias Rieger).


I was part of a webinar (in Slovak) that aims at increasing chances of Slovak researchers to become Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellows. Find the recording here (in Slovak).


A new article with Libertad González just came out in The Journal of Health Economics (Open Access). Here you can read a non-technical summary explaining that cash transfers to poor or single women even before their pregnancy can have positive impact on health of their babies.


A new piece of research that I did with Libertad González was just featured in BSE Focus in a popular research summary. We look at the impact of cash transfers that women receive before pregnancy on health of their next baby. We find that among poor and single women in Spain, such transfers led to fewer births of very small babies in the late 2000s.


A newspaper article (in Slovak) focusing on the quality of private universities in Slovakia reveals that they function with relatively few resources and do not produce high-quality research.


In an interview (in Slovak), I explain the impact that the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic had on fertility in Slovakia and I compare it to the developments in other European countries. Here is a brief summary of the interview.

In a new blog post (in Spanish), Libertad González and I look at the impact that the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic had on fertility in Spain. A drastic decrease in the number of births by 20% in December 2020 and January 2021 was followed by a recovery in March and April 2021. See a brief summary of these results here.

A new working paper with Libertad González just came out in the BGSE Working Paper Series. We find that a cash transfer to poor and single women before their pregnancy led to fewer births of very small babies in Spain in the late 2000s. See a brief summary of these results here.


A new article with Libertad González just came out as a preprint in The Journal of Human Resources (Open Access). Here you can read a non-technical summary explaining the impact that birth subsidies had on fertility in Spain in the late 2000s.


I wrote a blog post in BLISS explaining the negative impact that child marriages have on children's mortality in Bangladesh, based on my recently published article.


My article just came out online (printed version comes later) in Economics and Human Biology. It focuses on the impact of (child marriages and) teenage pregnancies on survival chances of children born to very young mothers in Bangladesh. Read a short summary here.


Barcelona GSE Focus wrote a popular research summary of my work with Libertad González. Our main finding is that a generous benefit paid at birth of a child led to more births in Spain in 2007-2010 (approximately 70,000 more children were born).


A new working paper with Libertad González just came out in the BGSE Working Paper Series. We find that a generous benefit paid at birth of a child  led to more births in Spain in 2007-2010 (approximately 70,000 more children were born). See a brief summary of these results here.


My joint work with Selim Gulesci and Erik Meyersson just came out in The World Bank Economic Review. We find that mothers of more educated girls in Turkey find domestic violence less acceptable, suggesting that there are upward educational spill-over effects of education. Read a brief summary of our results in laywoman's and layman's terms here.


My joint work with Matthias Rieger and co-authors just came out in SSM - Population Health (Open Access). In this rather technical paper, we explore which of the factors that are known to affect children's height in developing countries are stably correlated with children's height over time, and which factors show a rather unstable correlation. We focus on under-5 children in 25 developing countries over the period 1991-2014.


I started working with Libertad González at Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, Spain. This is my second postdoc. I am moving to UPF from my first postdoc at the International Institute of Social Studies in The Hague, The Netherlands, where I worked with Matthias Rieger. Very excited about this new chapter and all the interesting projects ahead.