Welcome to 

Our Little Vegan Kitchen & Garden

Welcome to our Little  Vegan Kitchen in Ireland - Mark, my Husband, and I met during Covid on Twitter, of all places, when I was trying Veganuary. If anyone followed my old blog they would see that I had gone from Meat-less Mondays to Vegetarian and then Vegan Recipes, as the years went on so Veganuary was the next step.

When I started Veganuary in January 2020,  my good vegan friend suggested accounts I should follow - one of those was Mark's in Scotland, he goes by the name @ThatVeganScot on Twitter.  He posted his meals, seemed to know how to cook tasty Vegan meals, and tweeted with a passion about veganism. We started talking online about recipes, the best vegan cheese, life, and our love for gardening and our relationship blossomed into friendship, we chatted daily, and it turned into love for both of us after a lot of talking and a lot of watching Gardener's World and Bake Off and doing Cryptic Crosswords over Facetime. 

We finally got engaged in December 2020 at Sunset at Edinburgh Castle, when Covid restrictions were loosened slightly between Ireland and Scotland

Mark  moved to Ireland in January 2021 and we got married in a small but beautiful humanist ceremony  in Sept 2021 in Bellinter House which could cater to our Vegan needs.  Mark cooks all our Dinners and I bake and make Vegan Desserts, we both love the garden and our New Home.

Below are all our Vegan Recipes from our Little Vegan Kitchen 

 Life and Plants in our Organic Yarden