How do you spur curiosity? Just ask the six quirky characters of Smithsonian's Seriously Amazing Website. The Wild will share the diversity of the animal kingdom; The Greenreflects the wonder of the natural landscape; The New will show how technology and creativity collide; The Masterpiece embodies artistic expression; The Storytellershares the tales of the people of America; The Discoverer explores the world and universe. Seriously Amazing links the knowledge and resources of the Smithsonian Institution and sparks a spirit of inquiry. Grades 3-12. | Web 2.0 Science Tools |

EarthCam | Funology--The Science of Having Fun | Kid Science News | EurekAlert! | Science.gov | STEM Resources

BBC Science Clips-likew Brainpop but free! | HowStuffWorks Videos | USGS Learning Site | Science Animations | National Geographic Videos | Animal Recordings-Video and Audio | Stock Science Photos | ThinkGreen | Seymour Simon | 100 Coolest Science Experiments on YouTube | TryScience | Cool Science | Museum of Science and Industry | Science NetLinks is a dynamic Website connecting K-12 teachers, students, and families to STEM resources produced by the American Association for the Advancement of Science including lesson plans, interactives, and reviewed Internet resources. The lesson plan and tool databases are searchable by grade level, themes, and content area. Collections spotlight various themes such as Earth Day, Summer Science fun, and Science Apps. There is an Afterschool collection that offers hands-on science experiments which offers student activity sheets, online resources, as well as teacher resources. Grades K-12. Tip: Check out the latest research findings about many interesting topics in Science News.

Kinetic City This site has a great collection of science experiments, games, science based activities and challenges. This is a very engaging and educational site. It is interactive in nature and has a space themed animated look and feel. | Science Bob | Steve Spangler Science-click on experiments or videos |

Agriculture-see also Pollination below| Agricultural Sci4Kids | Harvest of History | Nat'l Agriculture Library | Massachusetts Fruit Growers-Pick your Own Orchards | Bet the Farm game | Printable Lesson Plans | Sustainable Farming |

Alexander Graham Bell Family Papers | Amazon Interactive | American Field Guide Video Clips |American Museum of Natural History |

Amazon | Interactive |

Amphibians | AmphibiaWeb | Amphibians | Amphibians | What is an Amphibian? | Amphibians | Frogs & Toads | Frogs vs. Toads | Life Cycle of a Frog | Morphology of a Frog | A Thousand Friends of Frogs |Frogs & toads in Color & Sound | Salamanders & Newts | Salamanders & Newts | Salamanders & Newts | Newts | Salamanders |

Anatomy | Human Anatomy Anatomy (Interactive) | Anatomia see also Human Anatomy

Annelids | Ant Farm | Antbase | Apples |

Animals-General-see also the animal name | Animal Fact Guide | Kids Biology | Nat. Geo Animal Videos | Ranger Rick | Animals | Animals Nat. Geo. | Animal Bytes | Animal Facts | The Animal Kingdom | Animaland | Animal Diversity Web | Animal Migration | Animal Facts | Animal Information Database | Animal Information-Seaworld | Animal Bytes | Animals of the World | Animals | Animals-BBC | Animals & Nature | Animal Sound Sites | Arctic Animals | Creature Feature from Nat Geo | Exploring Mammals | Extreme Mammals | Field Guide to Animals | Incredible Mammals | Mammals Species of the World | Kids Go Wild | The Life of Mammals | Wild New England | Wildfinder-World Wildlife Database see also Mammals below

Antarctic | Antarctic Connection | Cool Antarctica

Ants | Antkey | Interactive 3D Ant Farm & Pheromone Trail Simulation

Aquariums | Aquariums | Birch | National Aquarium in Baltimore | Monterey Bay Aquarium | Monterey Bay Aquarium Kid's Pages | New Jersey | Oregon Coast | Tennessee Aquarium | Steinhart Aquarium |Florida Aquarium | Shedd Aquarium | Waikiki

Ask a Scientist |

Astronomy | Amazing Space | Astronomical Data | Eyes on the Sky, Feet on the Ground | HubbleSite | KidInfo | Online Astronomy Course for Students | Explore Mars Now | 100 Tools for Learning about Outer Space | Extra Solar Planets | Astro-Venture | Google Sky see also grade four page

The Atmosphere | Kids Astronomy | Explore Mars | Space Weather Center |

Atoms | The Atoms Family | Atoms | Atoms & Ants | Jefferson's Lab

Aurora Borealis | Aurora Borealis | The Aurora | Aurora's Northern Lights | Aurora Photo Album | Home of the Northern Lights | Aurora Borealis Finland | Auroras-Paintings in the Sky | Auroral Activity |Northern Lights

Automotive Learning Online

Aviation | Aviation | First Flight | AeroWeb | Women in Aviation | AeroFiles | Aviation History |Aerospace Team | Famous Firsts in Aviation | Air and Space Museum | Aeronautics | Amelia Earhart |Air & Space Museum | Airplanes | Wright Bros in Photos | Wright Bros | Wright Papers

Bacteria (Prokaryotes)

Bats | Adventures of Echo the Bat | Bats, Bats Everywhere | Bat World | Bat Facts | Bats4Kids |Enchanted Learning Bats

Bees | Why Do Bees Sting? | Honeybees | Honeybees | Honeybees | Enter the hive | Tales from the Hive |Colony Collapse Disorder | Bees | see Grade 4 page for more bee sites

Bears | Brown Bears | Bears | Bear Pictures | Family Ursidae | Bears | Grizzly Bear | Kodiak Brown Bear|

Bicycles | Big Cats Online |

Biology | Backyard Biology | Biology4Kids | Biology | Biology in Motion | Biology Corner | Biodiversity| Biological Sciences | Encyclopedia of Life | BioInteractive Mini-Lessons |

Biomes | Biomes of the World | Tour of Biomes | The World's Biomes | Biomes & Ecosystems | Bios |Biozone | National Geographic WildWorld


Birds | All About Birds Enchanted Learning | All About Birds Cornell | Amazing World of Birds | Ask an Expert | Audubon Slide Show | Birds | Birding | Birdcam | BirdCentral | Birdsong Database | Bird Database | Birdsong Links | BirdSource | Virtual Birding Page | Bird Printouts | Peterson Online | British Bird Prints | Audubon | Bald Eagles | Mass Audubon | Spring Migration | The Bird Site | Searchable Ornithology Archive | Audubon's Birds | John James audubon's Birds of America | Birdsong Links |Dendroica NatureInstruct |

Black Smokers | Blood | Botanical Garden |

Brain | Neuroscience for Kids |BrainsRule! | Mystery of Human Brain | Brain Maps | Memory | Inside the Brain

Building Big

Bugs | Bugscope | Butterflies | see Grade 4 page for more butterfly & insect sites

Bubbles | Bubblesphere | Bubble Town | Exploratorium Soap Bubbles

Buoyancy Basics |

Camels | Cats | Virtual Cave

Cells | The Cell | Cells | Cells Alive

Cheetahs | Cheetah Spot | I'm a Cheetah | Cheetahs in a Hot Spot

Chemistry | Adventures in Chemistry | Khan Academy | The Periodic Table of Comic Books | Chem4Kids | Periodic Table | Chemistry for kids | Chemistry | Chemistry Quizzes | Creative Chemistry |HyperChemistry |

Chocolate | Climate | Cloudforest | Color Theory see also "Art" page | Comet Observation

Composting | Composting for Kids |

| Cool Science for Curious Kids | Conservation | Copper | Cosmology | Crabs | Cyberscience

Density Experiment | Desert Animals | Desert Animals

Conservation | Field Trip Earth

Coral Reefs | Magic Porthole | Reef Education Network | Coral Reef Photobank | 25 Things You can Do to Save Reefs

Dinosaurs-see grade three page

Diseases | The Discovery Channel

Disasters | Anatomy of a disaster

DNA | DNA from the Beginning | DNA | DNA Interactive | Putting DNA to Work | Learn Genetics |How to Crack the Code

Dogs | Dogs | Dogs: Wolf, Myth, Hero, Friend

Dolphins | Dolphins | Dolphins in Depth | Animal Planet Dolphins

Dragonfly TV

Earth | Dynamic Earth | Earth from Space | Earth Observatory | Earth & Sky | Earth Science & Geography | Earth Science Enterprise | Earth Picture (flat) | Earth Picture at Night | NASA's Visible Earth | Earth Science | Hall of Planet Earth Exhibit | The Earth Today | The Encyclopedia of Earth |Maggie's Earth Adventures | Earth Science Courseware | Rotation & Eclipses

Earthquakes | USGS Earthquakes for Kids | Faultline | Earthquake Information | Earthquake Information|

Ecosystems | EcoKids | Ecosystems | Ecosystems | Ecolinks | Ecology


Electricity | Theater of Electricity | The Electric Ben Franklin | Electron Microscope Image Gallery |Edison's Miracle of Light

Electronics | Electronics Tutorials | Electronics Projects |

Elements | Elements Flashcards | Elements & The Periodic Table

Elephants | Elephants | Elephants | Elephant Communication | Elephant Voices | Asian Elephants

Endangered Animals | ARKive | AMNH Expedition | Bagheera | Endangered Species | Endangered Species | Endangered Species (different site) | Endangered | Endangered Animals | ESpecies Fact Sheets | Expedition | Field Trip Earth | Threatened Species | US Endangered Wildlife & Plants | Species of the Next Millenium | Wildlife's Last Resort

Engineering | Animated Engines | Engineering-A siteseer's guide | Big Dig | Building Big | Building Bridges | Bridge Construction & Engineering | Bridge (print & build) | Sodaconstructor |

Environmental Education | Adventure Trails | Ecokids Games & Activities |

Environmental Health Science | Environmental Issues Multimedia Lessons | EEK! Environmental Education for Kids | Field Trip Earth | Green Squad | Kids' Environmental Report Card | Kids' Planet-Defenders of Wildlife | Planet Earth-Discovery Channel | Environmental Kids Club | The Recycling Game | Glossopedia-environmental science encyclopedia

Equinox-see Seasons below

Exploratorium Cool Sites

Extraterrestrials | Seti@home | Seti Institute


Evolution | Evolution | Evolution | Complete Works of Darwin |

EPA Explorer's Club | Exploring Leonardo | Explore Science

The Exploratorium | Exploratorium Magazine | Extreme Science

Feline Conservation Center | Field Guide | Find Out Why |

Field Guides | enature

Fish | Fish | Fish FAQ | Fish Fun | Fish Index | Fish Tank (Virtual) | FishBase |

Flight | Forces of Flight | Flight | How Things Fly see also Grade "5" page

Forensic Science | The Franklin Institute Online

Flowers | Wildflower Color Chart

Fossils | Fossil Horse Cybermuseum |

Frogs | Frogs: A Chorus of Color | Froghoo | Exploratorium Frogs | Frogland | Frog Guts.com | FrogWeb | Frogs | Interactive Frog Mystery | Froggy Page | Weird Frog Facts | All About Frogs | All about Frogs | Build a Virtual Frog |

Fungus | Fungi | Dr. Fungus

Gecko-Dwarf | Genetics | Genomes | Giraffes | Glaciers | Glacier Images | Global Positioning System |Great Globe Gallery | Galapagos

Health | Heavens Above | Hedgehogs | Herp Care Info | Horses | Express

Galileo | Galileo Project | Galileo Galilei | Galileo's Battle for the Heavens


Garbology is an exciting and interactive website that answers the question, "Where should my waste go?" It helps elementary-age students better understand how they can reduce trash and stop polluting. In addition to the interactive game, the “For Teachers” section includes nine lesson plans and five fact sheets; the “For Students” section includes a waste assessment and seven useful handouts; and the “For Families” section will inspire families to reduce and recycle. Grades K-8.

Gardening | The Kids Garden | Gardening for Kids |

Genes | The Gene Scene | Genetic Science Learning Center | Classical Genetics | Genetically Modified Food | Human Genome Browser | Human Genome Project Info | Learn.Genetics |

Geology | The Dynamic Earth | Geologic Time: Story of a Changing Earth | Geology of National Parks

Geysers | Old Faithful WebCam

Giraffes | Giraffe Cam | Pictures & Facts | Tall Blondes |

Glaciers | All About | Hippo Beach | Horseshoe Crabs

Global Warming | Cool Cities | Climate Classroom |

Gorillas | Dian Fossey Gorilla site | Congo Gorilla Forest | Koko Foundation

Heart | The Heart-An Online Exploration | Cardiovascular System | All About the Heart

How? How Stuff Works | How Stuff Works | How Things Work

Humans | Tour of the Visible Human | Human Anatomy | Human Body | Amazing Human Body | Atlas of the Body | 3D Body scanner | MEDtropolis-Virtual Body | Body-Gross & Cool see also Anatomy

Infection Detection, Protection

Insects | BugScope | Insects | Insects | Wonderful World of Insects see also Grade 4 page

Insanely Great Science Sites

Inventions | How Products are Made | Inventions & Patents | Inventors Museum | Invention Dimension |Inventure Place | The Inventor's Workshop | Useless Inventions | Beyond 2000 | Zoom Inventors |Greatest Inventions | Eureka Interactive Exploration of Inventions | How Everyday Things are Made |Nobel E-Museum | Eureka Multimedia Tour | Inventor Links | Marconi Calling | see also Grade 5 page

Headbone Derby

Invertebrates | Myriad World of Invertebratessee also Grade 5 page

Jason Project | Channel Islands | Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary

Jellies | Jungle Walk |

Kelp Forest | Kidport Science Reference | Kinetic City

Leonardo's Place | Lichens | What is the Speed of Light? | Lions | Lizards | Low Life Labs | Lunar Adventure

MadSciOrg | Magic School Bus | Mammals | North American Mammals | see also animals above |Marconi | Marsupials | Materials Database | Matter see also Grade 5 page | The Microbe Zoo |Microbes | Microscope History | Microscopy Images | Images of Nature Microscopy | Microbes |Microbe Zoo |

Lessons | Interactivate-Gr 3 up |

Lightning | The Shocking Story | Kidstorm | Safety | Safety & Games | How Stuff Works | Photos |Images |

Lizards & Snakes

Manufacturing | How Everyday Things are Made | How Products are Made

Materials Science | Strange Matter

Memory | Meteorites-Earth Impact Database | Molecules | Molecular Workbench | Monkeys | Moon |Exploring the Moon | Google Moon

Museum of Science | Museum of Science and Industry | Museum of Science & Industry-Oregon |Mushrooms

Nanotechnology | Nanospace | Nanotech kids | NanoKids

NASA | Nasa | Nasa's Observatorium | Nasa Thesaurus | NASA Skywatch | NASA Goddard Space Flight Center | see also Grade 4 page


National Air and Space Museum | National Geographic Online | National Institute of Environmental Health

Sciences | National Wildlife Federation

eNature | NatureSongs

Newton's Apple| Newton's Castle | Nine Planets

Odyssey Magazine | Ology | Optical Illusions | Optics for Kids |

Natural Wonders | Nature Video Database | Of the World | World Wonders | Natural History Museum

Neuroscience for Kids


Nutrition | Plastic Fork Diaries see also Grade 3 page

Oceans | Explore the Abyss | National Sea Grant Libraries | Oceana | Oceans Alive | Ocean World |Oceans.com | Ocean Explorer | Oceans Intro | Ocean Planet | Oceanography | Year of the Ocean |Secrets of the Ocean Realm | AquaFacts | Atlas of the Oceans | Oceanlink | Masters of the Ocean Realm| Secrets of the Ocean Realm | Wyland Ocean Challenge | Nat'l Marine Mammal Lab's Education Site |Marine Animal Records | Sea Vent Viewer see also Grade 1 page

Optical Illusions | Optics for Kids | Science, Optics and You

ONEMercury a search engine that provides easy access to environmental data

Otters | Otternet | Friends of the Sea Otter

Paleontology | Paleontological Research Institute | Paleontology Portal

Pandas | Animal Planet: Meet the Pandas | National Geographic Kids: Giant Pandas | Activity Village | National Zoo: Pandas for Kids | San Diego Zoo Panda Cam | Giant Pandas | The Panda Baby

Paper Science | Particle Physics | Pasteur, Louis |

Penguins | Penguins | Penguin Links | Seaworld Penguins | Antarctic Connection Penguins | Penguins Around the World | The Penguin Page | Penguins | Penguin Printouts | WebQuest | Emperor Penguin Webquest

Periodic Table | Periodic Table of Videos | Interactive Table | Periodic Table of Elements | Periodic Table | Periodic Table Adventure | Periodic Table Quizzes

PestWorld | Pest Ecology Learning Games | ph Factor | Photography | Photography | Photography Museum | Photosynthesis | Photosynthesis | Photosynthesis | Illuminating Photosynthesis | Interactive Photosynthesis |

Physics | Flash Animations | Physics 2000 | Physics | Physics | Physics Central | Physlink | History of Physics | Fear of Physics | A Century of Physics | A Walk through Time | Physics Education Technology

Planatarium | | Planetariums

Planets | Mars Rover Mission Pictures | Mars Images | Mars Exploration | Geology of Mars | Mars Lesson Plan | Map a Planet see also Grade 4 page

Plants | Plants Database | Virtual Plants-120,000 | USDA Plant Database | Great Plant Escape | Plant Answer Machine |Plant Facts and Gardening | Plant Evolution | Plants in Motion Time Lapse | Tropical Plant Database see also Grade 1 page

Plastics | Polar Bears

Pollination | Intro to Pollinators | Nature's Partners | Pollinators | Entomology for Kids | Pollinator Friendly Practices |

Pollution | Think Green | see also Grade 4 Pollution sites

Ponds | Create a Pond (Internet Explorer) | Pond Science Lessons & Links | Virtual Pond

Popular Science | Powers of Ten | Prairie Dogs | Build a Prairie | Project Dragonfly

Rainforest | Rainforest Heroes | Tropical Rainforest | Elements of the Rainforest | Amazon Interactive |Rainforests of the World | Ways of Knowing Trail | Play Amazon Explorer | Rainforest Animals |Rainforest Sounds | Rainforest at Night | Zoom Rainforest | Rainforest at Night | Strata | Game K | Kids Saving the Rainforest | Rainforest Video Clips

Ranger Rick | Ravens | Reeko's Mad Scientist | Reef Life | Remote Control Roller | Reptiles

Reptiles | Reptile Database | Reptile Republic | see also amphibians above

Rivers | Rivers | River Puzzle | River System Diagram | Journey into Amazonia

Roach World

Robots | Robot Cafe | Robot Museum |

Royal Observatory Greenwich

Savage Earth

Rocks & Minerals | Rockhounds | see also Grade 2 page

Science Experiments | Kitchen Science | Reeko's Mad Scientist Experiments | Science Experiments you can do at home or school | Science Kids | Making Science Fun |

Science-General | Access Excellence | Action Bioscience | American Museum of Natural History Ology Site | Cool Science for Kids | EarthSky.com | Easy Science Experiment Projects | Education World Science Links | enature | Encyclopedia of Earth | Everyday Science | Exploratorium | Exploratorium Science Explorer | Explore Science | Fermilabyrinth | FirstGov Science | First Science.com | Frank Potter's Science Gems | Franklin Institute Science Museum | Funology | I was Wondering-Women's Adventures in Science | Iron Science Teacher-Exploratorium | Jefferson Lab | Kid Wizard | Kid's Habitat| Kinetic City | MadSciNet: The 24-hour exploding laboratory | Magic School Bus | Museum of Science | Mysteries to learn about science & health | National Air & Space Museum | Nature Interactives-PBS |New England Aquarium | New Scientist | ology | OMSI Online Science Activities | Quotes | Reeko's Mad Scientist Lab | Sandlot Science | Schoolhouse Rock Lyrics | Science Daily | Science.gov | Science Fair Project Ideas | Science for all Americans Textbook in laymen's terms-in Spanish too | Science Junction |Science Knows No Boundaries | SciencenetLinks | Science News | Sciencemaster | Science Spot | SciVee| Science Whatzit | Science Museums | Science with Me Science Projects | SciZone | History of Science | Science "Snacks" | Science Resources | Pieces of Science Exhibit | Science Hobbyist | Science Knows no Boundaries | Science Learning Network | Science & Nature for Kids | Science News for Kids | Scientific American |ScienCentral News | Science in the Box | Science Rock | Sci-Tech Hypography | Do Science |ScienceWorld | Natl Science Digital Library | Sea & Sky | You Try It | Wondernet | Wonderville | Why Files | ZOOMsci Activities

Sea World | Seashells | Secrets at Sea | Serengheti Photo Safari | Whelmers Science Activities | World Health Org | The Why Files

Seahorses & Pipefish | Docslaw Seaworld | Saving Seahorses | Kingdom of the Seahorse | Secrets of the Seahorse

Sea Turtles | SeaTurtles

Seasons | A Change of Season | The Seasons | see also Grade 1 page

Sharks | Myth & Mystery Monterey Bay Aquarium | Sharks | Zoom Sharks | Sharks | Sharks | How Sharks Work | Island of the Sharks | Biology of Sharks | Sharkman's World | Sharks: Fact & Fantasy Images | Snakes & Reptiles | Sea Turtles

Significant Events Imagery

Simple Machines see grade 1 & 5 pages

Human Skeletons | Anatomia | Big Story on Bones | The Bone Zone | Bones & Skeletal System | Broken Bones Movie | The Amazing Backbone | Foss Human Body | Inner Body | Labeled Skeleton | Mr. Bones Game | Skeleton Shakedown | Skeletal System | The Visible Human | Yorick | Virtual Body | eSkeleton |Skeleton-BBC | Skeleton Shakedown | Skeletal System Lesson | ThinkQuest | Bones & Joints Activity |The Human Skeleton | Human Anatomy Online | Bone Hangman | Mr. Bone's Human Skeleton Assembly | Skeletal System Links | Macaroni Skeleton | Medtropolis-Virtual Body | Skeletal System |The Human Skeleton | Skeletons-Enchanted Learning | Skeleton Movie | Interactive Body-Skeleton Game| Bones, Bones & More Bones | You and Your Bones | Human Skeletal System

Sky | Skyscraper Museum | Why is the Sky Blue?

Smithsonian Air & Space Museum | Virtual Smithsonian | Snakes | Snow | Soil

Solar System | Solar System Exploration | Stanford SOLAR Center | see also Grade 4 page | Solar Energy see also Grade 2 page

Solstice | Summer | Winter | see also "Seasons" above

Sound | Sound | The Physics of Sound

Space | Amazing Space | see also Grade 4 page

Species Inventory | Wildfinder Species Database | Spiders see also grade 1 page | Stork Live | Students for Space Exploration | Star Child | Static Electricity

Storms (winter) | Subaru Telescope | Sunrise at the South Pole | Sun & Moon Rise & Set Data

The Thinking Fountain |

Tigers | Tigers | Tigers in the Wild | 5Tigers

Time | Time | Telling Time in Different Zones | Telling Time Worksheets | What Time is It? Game | Just in Time | Playing with Time

Tsunami | Tsunami | Waves of Destruction | The Big Wave |

Turtles | Turtles

Universe Atlas see also Grade 4 page

Volcanoes Volcano World | How Volcanoes Work | Underwater Volcanoes & Seafloor Activity | Can we predict volcanoes? | Volcanology | Cascades Laboratory-see also Grade 4 Landforms page

Water | Drinking Water |

Weather | The Weather Channel | Weather Underground | World Weather | National Hurricane Centersee also grade 5 "weather"

Web of Species (Local plants and animals)

WebCams | National Zoo | Minnesota Zoo | Gators |

Whales | Whaleopedia | Whales| Whale Songs | Whale Songs | Bay of Fundy Whales | Whales | Cetacea | Basque Whalers in Labrador | Whales | Whale Anatomy | What About Whales? | History of Whaling | History of Whaling | Whales Theme Page | Whalenet| Narwhal | Discovering Whales | Cetacea

| Whooping Crane | The Why Files the science behind the news

Wildlife | Wild World | African Wildlife Foundation | Wild Ones | Field Trip Earth

Wolves | Wolf Hollow | Wolves | BoomerWolf

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute Image Gallery

Worms | Worm World | Worms | Adventures of Herman the Worm

Yellowstone Natl Park | Yes Science Magazine | Yes I Can Science | Your Gross and Cool Body | The Yuckiest Site on the Internet


Zoos | Alaska Zoo | Animal Bytes | Belize Zoo | Birmingham Zoo | Brevard Zoo | Bronx Zoo | Brookfield (Chicago) | Columbus Zoo & Aquarium | Fort Worth WhoZoo | Kids Go Wild | Electronic Zoo |exZOOberance | Honolulu Zoo | Indianapolis Zoo | Los Angeles Zoo | Nashville Zoo | National Wildlife Federation | National Zoo | Oakland Zoo | Oregon Zoo | Perth Zoo | Philadelphia Zoo | San Diego Zoo |San Francisco Zoo | Southwick's Wild Animal Farm | Toronto Zoo | Utah's Hogle Zoo | Woodland Park Zoo Multimedia | Zoonet | Zoo-The Electronic | Zoos | Exzooberance | Switcheroo Zoo | ZooWeb | Zoo in the Wild | Zooish | Zoo Trip |

      • Best clicks for virtual visitors are found under Meet the Animals and Exhibits. Click around and you'll find articles about Animal Art, Animal Care, and a whole section on animal conservation. "In recent years, conservation biologists have drawn our attention to a worldwide decline in wild populations of frogs, toads, and salamanders – a phenomenon that has come to be called the Global Amphibian Crisis."
          • 4 stars
        • In addition to an annotated photo gallery of animals (listed under Animals in the main navigation menu) also check the Magazine section. Lincoln Park Zoo offers PDF versions of their quarterly magazine that is chock full of interesting articles on animal behavior and conservation studies. Also listed under Magazine, you'll find movies and slideshows. Don't miss Feline and Dandy, two "impressive residents" of the Kovler Lion House.
      • Places to explore in the LA Zoo Animals & Plants section include Animal Facts ("Birds are the only vertebrates that have feathers. All birds are warm-blooded, and they lay eggs."), Animal Health, the Elephants of Asia, and the Campo Gorilla Reserve. "Gorillas are the strongest and largest of the great apes, a primate group that also includes chimpanzees, bonobos, and orangutans. "
      • Highlights of The National Zoo site from Washington, D.C. are the live animal cams, photo gallery slideshow, and the two giant pandas Mei Xiang and Tian Tian. "Giant pandas are black and white bears that live in temperate-zone bamboo forests in central China. Among the best recognized—but rarest—animals in the world, they have come to symbolize endangered species and conservation efforts." You'll find them in the drop-down Animals menu.
      • First stop on our virtual tour of the world-famous San Diego Zoo is their kid section for their zoogames, animal crafts, science experiments, and profiles of "Wildly Famous Featured Creatures." The zoo does a lot of work in animal conservation, and their site has an excellent section on research efforts in China, the Pacific Islands, the southwestern United States, the Caribbean Islands, and South America. For specific animal backgrounders (for reports and such) return to the main zoo homepage, and click on Animals.