Skills Canada

If you're a student who is interested in trades and technology and are looking for an opportunity to display your skills, Skills Canada may be for you. Prizes and potential trips across Canada are also up for grabs!

Skills Canada's mission is to promote and engage Saskatchewan youth in skilled trades and technology. It is a trades and technology-based competition that St. Mary students participate in annually. Placing 1st in a competition at the provincial level allows students an opportunity to represent their province at the National level. Both the Provincial and National competitions change location from year-to-year. Students of St. Mary have participated in the following competitions:

  • Cabinetmaking

  • Architectural Drafting & Design

  • Mechanical CADD (Computer-Aided Drafting & Design)

  • Job Skill Demonstration

  • Public Speaking

Although it would be an asset, you do not have to be in a shop class to participate in Skills Canada! For further details and a list of more competitions, please contact Mr. Thalheimer or Mr. Olver or visit the official competition website: