My dual graphics card problem solved

My dual graphics card problem solved




some time ago i had problems with su hardware acceleration. My SU startet with a blank screen. See this thread for details:

Help! Blank Screen!

i use vista sp1 x64, 8gb ram, two Nvidia GTX 260 with 4 displays. i tried every driver version and every nvidia control panel setting and nothing worked.

i found a solution for su when i had a similar problem with photoshop cs4 which also uses hardware acceleration: it worked when the windows primary display (the one with the start button) is served by the primary graphics adapter (the one the bios uses during bootup and the one where the little vista loading bar is displayed before the display drivers are loaded).

i imagine the inner workings of hardware acceleration beeing something like this: it allways uses the primary graphics adapter for acceleration, but if the application starts on a display which is connected to another, secondary graphics card, this acceleration can hardly work.

After I changed which of my displays was the primary and which were for "extended desktop", hardware acceleration worked flawless in SU and Photoshop.

i share this info do it may help someone having blank screens like i had