Tribes of Megachilidae

Big-lipped bees

Tribes of Megachilidae

Wool-carder bees

Tribe Anthidini

Relatively large, stout bees with pale abdominal spots or bands, generally gregarious and in some species, such as the introduced bee A. Manicatum collectively defend flower patches.

Leaf-cutter bees

Tribe Megachilini

Relatively large stout bees with broad oval abdomens, conspicuously dense abdominal rugs of pollen-collecting hairs, and big thick toothy mandibles for snipping leaves.

Mason bees

Tribe Osmini

Small, stubby, usually dark metallic bees with proportionally large heads and mandibles. Quiet, inconspicuous and usually associated with trees and shrubs in which they nest.

Megachile brevis, Lopez Island

Osmia coloradensis, Lopez Island