
Genus Halictus

Halictus are cosmopolitan generalists: like

bumblebees they have large geographical

ranges, long seasons, and visit whichever

flowers are in bloom. At least five of the

10 known North American Halictus species

have been collected in the San Juan and

Gulf Islands.

At least some species of Halictus will build

communal nest nests in warmer climates

or lower elevation habitats where floral

resources are abundant and have a long

season. Communal nests consist of many

inter-connected tunnels with small ovoid

chambers provisioned by different bees,

defended by all, and can house up to 200


Halictus ligatus, American Camp,

San Juan Island

        Halictus tripartitus, Iceberg Point,

          Lopez Island

Halictus rubicundus, Skull Island