job 2017/8

Collection of links/info for job search 2017

Jobs from AAS register and PhysicsToday other sources:

[updated: 5 Jul 2017;

11/13/15/22/26/28 Sep 2017;

2/12/17/23/25/30 Oct 2017;

1/13/20/28/30 Nov 2017;

3/11/21/29 Dec 2017;

8/16/26 Jan 2018;

1/5/6/8/13/16/23 Feb 2018;

13 Apr 2018]

Brief summary as of Feb 16:

Applied to 41 positions

10 phone/skype interviews/requests (3 faculty (2 uni, 1 college), 5 postdocs, 1 obs staff, 1 lab inst)

33 unlikely/impossible (12 actual rejections)

4 with a chance still (2 w/ interviews, 2 w/ nothing)

1 offer accepted!

(grey text means application deadline has passed - strikethrough means submitted)

Goal: end up in North America (eventually)

at the least, get real teaching experience, and move in a direction toward N America

My PhD date: June 2015

Research proposals to develop:

ESO (Oct 15) -- Garching / Santiago

project ideas, using ESO facilities.

---xGASS follow-up of group centrals. Pick matched sample of grp and iso centrals at low masses:

IFUs for ionized gas and stellar kinematics, and abundances???

deep optical imaging for evidence of past interactions and merger history

HI interferometry if possible...

---Followup of ALFALFA sources:

spectroscopic abundances of dwarf galaxies for M-Z relation (low mass slope)

narrow-band Halpha imaging for SFR (UV vs Halpha vs SED, trends with HI, Z, ??)

optical/IR counterparts/properties of (Almost) Darks?

spectroscopic redshifts for environment of Almost Darks? SDSS doesn't have redshifts faint enough

Hubble (Nov 2) - hosted at Macalaster/Minnesota

project ideas: (meet goals of HST/JWST/SOFIA/Spitzer)

---SFH of ALFALFA-selected sources (SHIELD, A/Ds, Leoncino-clones, etc)

---have HST for many, with SFH possibly in progress

---use broadband SED fitting

---more HST imaging & followup of A/Ds???

[Requires PhD after Jan 1 2015 -- last year of eligibility]

Carnegie Obs (Nov 15) - Pasadena. Propose to do something (ground-based) observational!

project ideas: ("long-term research in obs/theo astrophys and/or instr")

---QBCDs? (dwarf) galaxy photometry in new deep optical/NIR surveys, calibrate with new observations? add metallicities?

---spectra of low-Z galaxies like Leo P?

---other ALFALFA-related followup?

[PhD <3yr prefer]

Also, lots of great NIR surveys coming out now/soon -- QBCD project gets a lot more interesting with those.

Nopes, Out of Reach, bad location, or not worth the large effort required (for unlikely success)

--NSF AAPF - Oct 11

--Jansky - hosted at university (Macalester? teaching connections/future...)

(Nov ~1) project: followup to xGASS work?? GV + env? VLA obs of grp cent and GV, understand inflow/quenching/env.

[no PhD year limit?]

Smith @ UTAustin (fresh PhDs only)

Dunlap @ Toronto (theory/cosmo)

not great fit:

dropped - tough sell:

req french, not great research fit

machine learning? hmmm

to farr away:

not worth it? hopefully...

too far afield, topically

location :(

no research overlaps

didn't make compelling project plans in time

not career path of choice, if possible

bad location

no research overlap, physics teaching.

physics teaching - boo

Dunlap Fellowship