Steven Janowiecki


(with apologies to the Polish language)

Former Resident Astronomer and HET Science Operations Manager at

Hobby-Eberly Telescope, McDonald Observatory, University of Texas

Home page

Research topics:



Old IU web page

Old CWRU web page

Relatively recent CV

+1 (432) 426-4168 (office)

82 Mt. Locke Rd

McDonald Observatory, TX 79734


Press releases/interviews/etc


Indiana University 2008-2015

    M.A., Ph.D. Astronomy (advisor: John Salzer)

    "The evolutionary status of high and extremely low surface brightness galaxies"

Case Western Reserve University 2004-2008

    B.S., Astronomy (advisor: Chris Mihos)

    Ultra-deep wide-field imaging of galaxy clusters

Research Experience / Employment

Hobby-Eberly Telescope, U Texas  2018-present

     HET Science Operations Manager (2020-present)

     Interim HET Science Operations Manager (2019-2020)

     Resident Astronomer (2018-2019)

ICRAR/UWA 2015-2018

     Postdoc with Barbara Catinella & Luca Cortese

     xGASS: HI in galaxies, environmental effects

Selected Refereed Publications

S. Janowiecki, M. Jones, L. Leisman, et al.

The environment of H I-bearing ultra-diffuse galaxies in the ALFALFA survey

2019, MNRAS,   (arXiv)

S. Janowiecki, L. Cortese, et al.

Lurking systematics in predicting galaxy cold gas masses using dust luminosities and star formation rates

2018, MNRAS, 476, 1390  (arXiv)

S. Janowiecki, B. Catinella, L. Cortese, et al.

xGASS: Gas-rich central galaxies in small groups and cosmic web gas feeding

2017, MNRAS, 466, 4  (arXiv)

   30 refereed citations*

S. Janowiecki, J. Salzer, et al.

Constraining the stellar pops and SFHs of Blue Compact Dwarf galaxies with SEDs

2017, ApJ, 836, 128  (arXiv)

S. Janowiecki, L. Leisman, et al.

(Almost) Dark HI Sources in the ALFALFA Survey: The Intriguing Case of HI1232+20

2015, ApJ, 801, 96   (arXiv)

   44 refereed citations*

S. Janowiecki, J. Salzer, et al.

The Unique Structural Parameters of the Underlying Host Galaxies in Blue Compact Dwarfs

2014, ApJ, 793, 2    (arXiv)

    13 refereed citations*

S. Janowiecki, J.C. Mihos, et al.

Diffuse Tidal Structures in the Halos of Virgo Ellipticals

2010, ApJ, 715, 972   (arXiv)

   79 refereed citations*

My current* h-index is 17

(*as of 28 Oct 2018)

Selected conference presentations: