

"Effectiveness of ex ante honesty oaths in reducing dishonesty depends on content" Nature Human Behavior (with Janis Zickfeld,  Karolina Scigala, Christian T.  Elbaek, John Michael,  Mathilde T. Tønnesen,  Gabriel Levy, ... , and Panagiotis Mitkidis, 2024)

Preprint version

"The Effect of Incentives in Non-Routine Analytical Team Tasks" (with Florian Englmaier, Dominik Grothe, David Schindler and Stefan Grimm, PDF, Journal of Political Economy (2024)

"Commitment Requests Do Not Affect Truth-Telling in Laboratory and Online Experiments"

(with  Tobias Cagala, Ulrich Glogowsky, and Johannes Rincke,  Games and Economic Behavior (2024)

 Discussion Paper

"The Efficacy of Tournaments for Non-Routine Team Tasks" 

(with Florian Englmaier, Dominik Grothe, David Schindler and Stefan Grimm)

Journal of Labor Economics (2024)

"(Dis)honesty and the Value of Transparency for Campaign Promises

(with Matthias Lang)

European Economic Review (2023)

Discussion Paper

"Competition and moral behavior: A meta-analysis of 45 crowd-sourced experimental designs"

(with Huber, C., Dreber, A., Huber, J., Johannesson, M., Kirchler, M., Weitzel, U., … & Holzmeister, F.)       

 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2023)

"Cross-game learning and cognitive ability in auctions." 

(with with Thomas Giebe, Radosveta Ivanova-Stenzel and Martin Kocher Experimental Economics (2023)

View Articles published in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization

"Time Pressure and Regret in Sequential Search" 

  (with Felix Klimm, Timm Opitz, Martin Kocher), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (2023)

"Heterogeneous Preferences and Investments in Energy Saving Measures" 

(with Urs Fischbacher and Sabrina Teyssier) Ressource and Energy Economics (2021) Vol. 63. 

“Agenda control and reciprocity in sequential voting decisions” (with Urs Fischbacher)

Economic Inquiry (2020) 58 (4), 1813-1829. (Open Access: PDF

Management Science cover image

I lie? We lie! Why? Experimental evidence on a dishonesty shift  in groups" 

(with Martin Kocher and Lisa Spantig), Management Science (2018) 64 (9), 3995-4008.

Videos of die-rolls

"Does imperfect data privacy stop people from collecting personal health data?"

(with Verena Utikal)

Games (2018) 9 (1), 1-23.  

Special Issue "The Economics of Privacy: Privacy and Data Protection in a Digital World"

View Articles published in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization

'You must not know about me' - On the willingness to share personal data"

(with Verena Utikal)

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (2017) 141, 1-13. Discussion paper version PDF)

"The causal effect of stop-­loss and take-­gain orders on the disposition effect" 

(with Urs Fischbacher and Gerson Hoffmann), Review of Financial Studies (2017) 30 (6), 2110-2129. (Discussion Paper Version PDF)

Cover image Journal of Public Economics

"Pivotality and Responsibility Attribution in Sequential Voting" 

(with Björn Bartling and Urs Fischbacher), Journal of Public Economics, (2015),128,133-139. 

(Journal Article / Discussion Paper Version PDF)

"Heterogeneous Reactions to Heterogeneity in Returns from Public Goods" (with Urs Fischbacher and Sabrina Teyssier)

 Social Choice and Welfare (2014) 43, 195-217. (Journal Article Discussion Paper Version PDF)

"Reciprocity and Resistance to Comprehensive Reform"

 (with Urs Fischbacher), Public Choice (2013), 160, 411-428.(Journal Article / Discussion Paper Version PDF).

“Competition within firms” (with Lisa Bruttel)

Journal of Competition Law and Economics (2012) 8(1), 167–185. (Journal Article / Discussion Paper Version)

Current working papers

"Motivated procrastination" (with Charlotte Cordes and Jana Friedrichsen), CESifo Working Paper No. 11072  (PDF)

"The Value of Leadership: Evidence from a Large-Scale Field Experiment"  (Forthcoming at The Leadership Quarterly, with Florian Englmaier, Dominik Grothe, David Schindler and Stefan Grimm), CESifo Working Paper No. 9273 (pdf) 

"Individual Preferences for truth-telling" CESifo Working Paper No. 11521  (with Lisa Spantig and Susanna Grundmann)

Editorials and book chapters

Jacquart, P., Santoni, S., Schudy, S., Sieweke, J., & Withers, M. (2024). Exogenous shocks: Definitions, types, and causal identification issues. The Leadership Quarterly, 35 (5)

"Incentives in Non-Routine Analytical Tasks" ,  prepared for the Encyclopedia of Experimental Social Science. 

Work in progress (selection)

"How to Remote "Reducing fraudulent behavior in insurance markets" (single authored)

"Persuading regulators - An NLP analysis of early benefit assessments of medical products" (with Paul Hofmarcher and Nicola Lacetera)

"Microaspects of leadership - how and why reactions to endogenously and exogenously chosen leaders differ"  (with Florian Englmaier, Dominik Grothe, and David Schindler)

"Group dynamics in microfinance - Leadership qualities and group performance in rural Bangladesh" (with Kristina Czura, Silvia Castor Fernandez, and Abu Parves Sonchoy

"The causal effects of diversity in observable characteristics and (unobservable) skills for team performance" (with Florian Englmaier, Dominik Grothe, and David Schindler)

"Social aspects of sustainable consumption" (with Daniele Nosenzo, Laure Saulais, and Sabrina Teyssier)

Several projects with Jana Friedrichsen and Radosveta Ivanova-Stenzel on "Biases and Decision Impairments in Markets" within the CRC on "Rationality and Competition" 

"Time pressure in auctions" (with Martin Kocher and Maria Karmeliuk)