AlrMaps application

AlrMaps - Software Applications for the Romanian Linguistic Atlases Publishing

The AlrMaps application development was started within the “Linguistic Atlases” Fundamental Project of the Romanian Academy. It is the new version of the ALR application. It is based on the GIS technology and can be used to prepare the linguistic maps for any Romanian Linguistic Atlas. It is used by the dialectologists from „Iorgu Iordan - Alexandru Rosetti” Institute of Linguistics of the Romanian Academy to publish the 2nd volume of the “Linguistic Atlas of the Aromanian Dialect”. The AlrMaps application was implemented in C++ for Windows OS. (2017 -     )

AlrMaps application, interface for title words editing

AlrMaps application, interface for phonetic transcriptions editing

AlrMaps application, interface for creating the phonetic transcription groups

AlrMaps application, (un) mapped material generator

AlrMaps application, linguistic maps generator

AlrMaps application, linguistic maps generator