Ideal Room Instructions

Instructions for Idea Room:



On Wednesday, you are going to present your ideal bedroom to the class in Spanish from memory.  This presentation will be worth 20 points. All images must be appropriate!  You will receive an automatic 0 for any inappropriate images or comments.  (If you’re not sure if it is appropriate, it’s probably not.)



Create your ideal room using a combination of the Homestyler and Power Point and email your document to Mrs. Ruvolo by class on Wednesday.



Pronunciation: 5 points (5- excellent, 4- good, 3- acceptable, 2- poor)

Thoroughness: 10 points (minimum 10 vocabulary words)

Use of complete sentences: 3 points

Email to Mrs. Ruvolo before class on Wednesday: 2 points



Create the room in Homestyler and then pasting screen shots (CNTRL + PRINT SCREEN) into a PPT document to which you may add additional details. If you choose to include a piece of furniture that is not on our list, you may look up the translation for that word on and include that word in your PPT so that you may use it during your presentation, but any vocabulary word that is in your book may not be written.