horse valley - amberson
horse valley - amberson loop
Distance: 53 miles
Elevation gain: 3700 ft
Three climbs: Rt 641 to Lower Horse Valley Rd, east side of Fannettsburg Rd, west side of Rt 641 Truck Route
(link to interactive map)
Option 1: 22 miles, no major climbs. Turn back at Roxbury. If you head straight back to Ship via Roxbury Rd you’ll end up with about 22 miles.
Option 2: 35 miles, two climbs. About 20 miles in, at the intersection of Lower Horse Killer Rd and Upper Strasburg (the extension of rt 533 that really isn’t rt 533 anymore) turn left back toward Ship. Follow Rt. 533 east bound. One 1000 ft climb and about 15 miles later and you’re back in Ship.
Option 3: 53 miles, three climbs. See map.