The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna

Nuggets of Wisdom from the Master, a Maverick of a Mystic


Once, explaining his wide-ranging interests, the Master said:
"I don't like to be monotonous. I would like to make a bouquet with five kinds of flowers.
I would like to play a flute with seven holes in it. I would like to taste various kinds of food. I don't want to be a dry monk."

I spent my childhood off Ramakrishna Beach in Vizag. Now there's a Kali Temple on it

The first major painting of my life was of the Master. Sri Nemani Krishnamurthy గారు helped me paint it

The Master entered my life through The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, which i bought at the Mylapore Math the evening of March 14, 1992. Thought that the date/time was fitting: 3.14 (.1992.6:54), the most famous irrational number

In the Gospel, i found that there was no limit to the love of the Master. His cheerfulness, His humor, and His harmony (any day better than tolerance) drew Him to me in no uncertain manner. After 20+ years, the Gospel is as fresh as ever; try to read to it at least once a year

It's not at all surprising that the Gospel is listed in 100 Best Spiritual Books of the 20th Century

I have referred to the Gospel in many blog posts and then some. The following grid summarizes those posts wrt the Chapters from the Gospel. All the links in the grid below open in a new window/tab

Each chapter links to the corresponding one on this excellent online reference. For convenience, the starting and ending page numbers of each chapter are provided below the chapter link

Audio Book

This grid was created on the eve of the Master's tithi birthday in 2015 (20.FEB, very close to His Western birthday of 18.FEB)

Along with the Gospel, have listed other books by Swami Chetanananda on the Master that have inspired me.

Flickr Album: Holy Mother, Sri Ramakrishna, and Swami Vivekananda

The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
Books: Ramakrishna As We Saw Him
Books: God Lived With Them
Books: How to Live with God