Numbo Jumbo
aka Numerology


Numerology counts for more than you think and certainly adds up to something

~Sammy San


I got interested in numerology at Madras (now Chennai) in 1990, where i stayed as a Paying Guest with CPKK.  He helped me change my name and, as a result, my interest in numerology started.  What better than eating your own dog food

There have been several key turning points in my Life where numerology played a critical part.  One of them was in buying our place at Palm Meadows, Bangalore.  When most folks were saying that it was in the boondocks, we saw that Palm Meadows added up to 46, one of the great numbers in numerology.  The defining characteristic of the 46 is that it bucks the trend.  Certainly it did that to the housing scene in Bangalore

Some famous 46s: (sorted by year of birth) 

Basics of Numerology

Briefly, the concept of numerology can be explained as follows:

There are three numbers associated with any person.  They are: (my terminology)

The three numbers can be likened to three vectors, out of which two (Day & Cumulative) are fixed at the time of birth.  Some DnCn combinations are particularly volatile.  Please see below:

Dangerous Combination For Marriages

Numerology says that, to have a harmonious life, one must align the Name vector in a direction suitable with the other two.  Thus, in order to bring about changes in one's life "numerologically", one should change one's name.  The Name (number) to which one should change is governed by the following rules:

One might argue that, whatever might be the Name and its obstacles, one can overcome them.  My response is a quote by Sri Ramakrishna:

There are many paths to the Self; some clean and some not so clean.  It's simpler to follow a clean path

Dangerous Combination For Marriages

A combination such as Sunday 5ᵗʰ June 2022 is a D5C8.  Like so:

Mercury, which rules the 5s, creates an explosive combo with Saturn, the Lord of the 8s, and does not bode well for marriages that start off with weddings on the D5C8

Pandit Sethuraman, the great numerologist of Mylapore, Chennai, had written a very informative book on numerology in Tamil.  Related blog

CPKK once told me that the main reason for writing the book:

Pandit Sethuraman had noticed that weddings that occurred on a D5C8 resulted in marriages getting into difficulties within the first year itself

I recall the wedding of an Infoscion (Infosys Employee) on Thursday 5ᵗʰ March 1998 (a D5C8), which ended very sadly with the Infoscion suddenly dying within two weeks of the wedding

Later, while working with MaarsIndia in the early noughties, one of my colleagues was attending a wedding on a D5C8 at Mysore.  I told him the caveat of Pandit Sethuraman above.  Later, he said that the marriage didn't work out

Fortunately, the reverse combo (D8C5) is not that dangerous for weddings, though the 8 might irritate

The D5C8 will occur at least three times in a year and at most six times.  So it's quite easy to avoid this combo for weddings (needless to say, you have to calculate the Cumulative Number only if the Day is 5ᵗʰ, 14ᵗʰ, or 23ʳᵈ)

Incidentally, the Valentine's Day A-320 accident of 1990 at Bangalore HAL airport also happened on a D5C8

Numbo Jumbo Combos

The Numbo Jumbo Combo (NJC) is arrived at from the date of birth

For the birthday of Bill Gates, Friday 28ᵗʰ October 1955, the NJC would be:

Numbo Jumbo Names

You can use the following table based on the Hebrew Kabala system to determine your name number (N)

Each column starts with a sequence and then goes out of it (sequence).  The table has been accordingly created

Please use the name that you commonly use

Numerological Values of the Letters of the Alphabet


The Hebrew Kabala system is accurate (historically and in other ways), and the one i trust (rather than the American one, which is a simplistic system that allots 1~9 to A~I and J~R, and 1~8 from S~Z):

Athena Dossier (AD)

At the end of July 2020, we started a service combining two prediction systems:

Based on your Date of Birth, the Athena Dossier (AD) is generated after receiving your payment, which is the year i got interested in it, in INR:


Please scan the QR Code below to make the payment
(should work with all UPI Payment apps such as Google Pay, PayTM, PhonePe, and WhatsApp Payments)

Please REMEMBER to mention your details in the Optional Message along with the Payment:

The Athena Dossier is shared [Email/Google Drive/WhatsApp] with you as two PDFs:

Please note that these predictions are for your Numbo Jumbo combo and New Astrology sign derived from the given Date of Birth and not necessarily for you

It is only once in a generation that a thoroughly new way of looking at the Zodiac is discovered.  Suzanne White has developed just that.  White offers a startling, provocative thesis: There are not 12 but 144 signs of the Zodiac, each distinct, each unique, each vital to everyone's quest for self-understanding

Suzanne White demonstrates that each of us is governed by two major influences.  A Capricorn born in a Tiger year is a Capricorn/Tiger.  This Capricorn is astonishingly different from a Capricorn/Cat.  A Leo/Dog is strikingly dissimilar to a Leo/Dragon.  Each 5-page chapter analyzes one of the New Astrology signs and offers individualized sections on:

In the three decades since the original edition (1986 Paris, France)  this book has become a worldwide best-seller.  And its popularity has endured.  In the current version, Suzanne White has revised, updated, and refreshed the book’s content to match the times.  The New Astrology for the 21ˢᵗ Century provides insights into not only our own lives, but also those of all who surround us.  Suzanne White's prose is lucid, candid, and suffused with a sense of fun.  But way beyond the entertainment aspect.  The New Astrology for the 21ˢᵗ Century is a serious tool for self-awareness and understanding of the rich variety in human nature

A Review on the Original Edition

This book is so spot on it scares me.  I have a lot of books about Chinese astrology which are definitely more detailed but this combination of Western and Eastern astrology gives a short description of each sign, which is totally enough.  I like the way the book is structured.  Each sign, for example Leo/Tiger or Virgo/Pig is described on 4-5 pages which is perfect for a quick and playful reading.  This sounds superficial, but Suzanne White is so accurate that people think I'm making it up when I read theirs out loud.  Astrology is something you believe or you don't, but I can actually tell certain people what Chinese sign they are by their looks.  Not all, but for example women born in the year of the rat all have mouse-like features (examples: Lauren Bacall and Gwyneth Paltrow are all born in the year of the rat) and Suzanne White is really good in recognizing and describing this.  The way she writes might seem a bit casual but it's not.  She's better than some more "serious" written books on this subject translated from Chinese into English.  Just buy it and compare it with your friends and you'll know what I'm talking about