
Where to Store your SPDD template documents?

Store your template documents on SharePoint in a doc library, that way you can control your users’ document content centrally.

When creating a New Merge Letter, you will then need to Select a Template. Navigate to your SharePoint document library (you can navigate to URL's in here too) and select the document you want to use as a template (i.e., the one you put the field bookmarks and table definition bookmarks into).

Individual SharePoint List Column options?

· Added the ability to specify whether to Show or Hide a particular field from the SharePoint list for which you are creating a Dataset. Open the Advanced Field Settings screen when creating or editing a Dataset, select the Field from the list of those available, Check or Uncheck the Show Field option and then click the Update Selected button to confirm the change. This setting will then automatically filter down to all screens that display field data, such as field drop downs, available table columns and multiple return record display screens providing a more user friendly interface.

Details of XML Settings file?

This file is the only thing you should need to send to your users.

All of the details that you save, Security details, Connected Lists, Queries, Tables etc. are all stored in the SPDDProXMLStore.xml XML file, which is located in your C:\Users\{UserName}\Documents\DataDoc\ directory. The idea is that you give this XML file to your users and then they have all the same SPDD object that you created. So, if you have created a batch on your machine, give them the XML file, then all they have to do is to run the batch and the app will do the rest for them in terms of creating the documents.

The most straightforward way for users to update their details with new Query and Table definitions from you (the Administrator) is for you to send the xml file to them (or download from your Doc Lib), and for them to Import it using the Import functionality in the Options screen. Either that or just give them the already created (by you) xml file when they get the software.

Once the users have imported the XML file that you created, then the primary thing to be careful of is that the paths to the template documents are correct.

If you have created a Merge Letter for the user to run, then it is important that you ensure the relative paths to the template are the same for both of you (i.e. the same network share or the same explicit path, for example "C:\YourDocs\Document1.docx"), or inform them how to change the path to the document in the batch screen if this is not possible.

Ideally you should base your SPDD templates in a Document Library of your SharePoint Site, which eliminates the problem of incorrect paths to templates completely

If you do set up your templates in your SharePoint document library then you should also suggest that your users to make the following change to their local Internet settings:

1) In Internet Explorer, click Tools and the click Internet Options.

2) In the Internet Options window, switch to Security tab, click “Trusted sites” and click Sites.

3) Add the URL of this site and your domain name and close the “Trusted sites” window.

4) Go back to Internet Options, select “Trusted sites” and click “Custom Level”.

5) In the new-opened window, under “User Authentication - Logon”, please select “Automatic logon with current user name and password” and click OK to apply this setting.

6) Then click OK to apply all the settings and close Internet Explorer.

If this is not done then the only difficulty it causes to the Add In is that it will stop processing to ask the user for a login when accessing the document library for a template.