
Latex Templates for GUB students

Latex Tutorials and Resources

Conference/Journal Latex Templates

Latex Tutorials in my Blog

You can find all Latex oriented posts of mine at:

Some of those are included here.

* Add Copyright Notice and Conference Name in IEEE Conference Template

* Preparing Tables for Publication and Documentation in Latex

* Creating Bar Charts using Latex PGFPlots

* How to write an algorithm in Latex

* How to add subfigure in Latex

* How to Write Matrix with Row/Column Labels in Latex

* How to Collaboratively Write a Paper using Overleaf Latex Platform

* Itemize, Enumerate, and To-do-list in Latex

* Latex Table for Survey in IEEE two-column format

* Line Plotting using Latex PGFPlots

Raspberry Pi-related Tutorials in my Blog

If you are doing some projects using Raspberry Pi, the following list may help:

* Set Static IP Address in Linux/Raspbian OS

* How to Configure a Raspberry Pi as Gateways between two Private Local Area Network using Ethernet Interfaces

* How to fix the Ubuntu Black Screen Issue in a Raspberry Pi after Installation

* Live Video Monitoring using a Raspberry Pi and any Webcam

* Set Up Headless Kali Linux in a Raspberry Pi 4 without Monitor, Keyboard, and Mouse

* ARM Exploitation with Raspberry Pi: Lab Setup

* ARM Exploitation with Raspberry Pi: Basic Stack Overflow

* ARM Exploitation with Raspberry Pi: Return Back to Program without Crashing

* ARM Exploitation with Raspberry Pi: ARM Ret-to-Libc

* Build a Balena Cloud using Raspberry Pi

* How to Configure a Raspberry Pi as an OpenFlow Switch: Steps, Issues, and Solutions