Extra-curricular activities

University level

  • Participated in 5th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision arranged in Dhaka University in 2016
  • Volunteered in 2nd International Conference on Electrical Engineering and InformationTechnology arranged in Jahangirnagar University in 2015
  • Played inter-department cricket tournament for IIT cricket team arranged in Jahangirnagar University in 2012-17
  • Led IIT cricket team as a captain in inter-department cricket tournament in 2017
  • Participated in Telco Warfare hosted by East-West University in 2014
  • Participated in IT Fest arranged by Dhaka University IT Society in 2014
  • Participated in ICT Fest arranged in Islamic University of Technology in 2013-14
  • Contributed as an active photographer in Jahangirnagar University Photographic Society (JUPS) in 2014-17
  • Participated in different national and on-line photography contest in 2014-17
  • Volunteered in blood donation group, Badhan, Jahangirnagar University Branch in 2014-17
  • Traveled, hiked and explored different mountain peaks and waterfalls of hill-track areas of Bangladesh in 2014-17
  • Completed 1500 kilometers in a month with mountain bike in BDCyclist Endomondo challenge in 2014
  • Participated and won several mountain bike race competition arranged by BDCyclist and other local clubs in 2014-16
  • Played guitar, sang and danced in several cultural programs arranged by IIT, Jahangirnagar University in 2014-15
  • Played the part of an advisor for Jahangirnagar Skating Club (Roller Skates) in 2015-17

College level

  • Volunteered in Science Fest arranged by Notre Dame College Science Club in 2010
  • Participated in several science discussion seminars arranged in British Council, Fuller Road branch, Dhaka where the speaker was Dr. Muhammad Ibrahim in 2009-10
  • Participated in longest solar eclipse observation of January 15, 2010 by Anusandhitsu Chakra Science Organization in 2010

School level

  • Participated and placed in several national and local Math Olympiad competition in 2008
  • Volunteered as an active member in different programs and activities arranged by Anusandhitsu Chakra Science Organization, Panchagarh Branch in 2004-08